In a notable shift, June witnessed a significant reduction in cryptocurrency losses due to hacks, down...

The cryptocurrency space faced a turbulent second quarter, with roughly $572.68 million lost to hacks and...

The ongoing bull run in the crypto market has brought soaring prices, fueled by regulatory breakthroughs...

In an interesting turn of events, Bitfinex chief technology officer (CTO) Paolo Ardoino has dismissed rumors...

In April, the crypto community witnessed a historic downturn in financial losses due to fewer hacks...

After orchestrating a series of hacks on two decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges (DEXs) that stole more than...

Scams and hacks have been some of the most significant issues affecting the crypto industry over...

In a recent development, decentralized finance (DeFi) crypto exchange FixedFloat has been targeted by hackers in...

In a recent consumer alert, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) warned about the proliferation of...

In a recent report by TRM Labs, it has been revealed that hackers linked to North...

NFT Trader, a peer-to-peer non-fungible token trading platform, has suffered a set of multiple exploits leading...

The Lazarus Group, a hacker organization linked to North Korea, has been responsible for crypto hacking...

In a targeted exploit, decentralized exchange (DEX) aggregator and liquidity protocol KyberSwap, which serves as the...

In the latest crypto investigation by US authorities, a Los Angeles man was sentenced to eight...

Cryptocurrency exchange HTX (formerly Huobi) has disclosed the recovery of the crypto funds stolen by a...

The crypto space still presents risks like scams, hacks, rug pulls, etc. In another troubling event,...

In a recent tweet, Chinese journalist Colin Wu provided an update regarding a significant crypto hack...

Ivan Bianco, a popular Brazilian crypto streamer known as Fraternidade Crypto, recently experienced a devastating loss...

A crypto security breach has exposed a significant vulnerability within the Libbitcoin Explorer 3.x library, resulting...

CoinsPaid, a cryptocurrency payments company headquartered in Estonia, has raised suspicions that the Lazarus Group, a...