Columbia University’s Tow Center for Digital Journalism recently held a panel examining blockchain’s role in the...

The Civil Media Company’s ambitious plan to sell $8 million worth of its cryptocurrency token CVL,...

ConsenSys backed “sustainable journalism” marketplace Civil isn’t raising as much as it had hoped in its...

Despite a flurry of media attention surrounding the project, Civil, an Ethereum-based platform aiming to save...

Forbes plans to try out the Civil system next year, integrating Civil’s software with its own...

Podcasts are becoming a popular tool for those looking for a soft introduction to cryptocurrency and...

As many local news outlets shut down due to lack of funding, blockchain presents itself as...

Civil wants to create an ad-free, blockchain-based, decentralized marketplace for "sustainable journalism” by directly supporting content...

Civil, the “decentralized platform for independent, sustainable journalism”, will begin its token sale (CVL) on August...

All creditors must file a proof-of-claim form by October 22, 2018, even those who filed a...