A conversation about Bitcoin’s ecological footprint, why Bitcoin is such a big organism and the shift...

As political demonstrations show the world that Cubans are tired of dictatorship, Bitcoin is providing an...

Bitcoin gives Palestinians a powerful avenue for peaceful protest, and the opportunity to find sovereignty among...

Has America strayed from its founding ideals? An activist and a refugee think Bitcoin can help...

France still uses monetary colonialism to exploit 15 African nations. Could Bitcoin be a way out?...

While those comfortable in the dollar bubble deride Bitcoin, the stories of three emerging market users...

The world’s reserve currency relies on oil, dictators, inequality and the military-industrial complex. But a Bitcoin...

While bitcoin is powerful Number Go Up technology that appeals to self interest, it’s also creating...

China’s centralized blockchains couldn’t be any farther from Bitcoin’s. Designed for maximum control, they will become...

In the surveillance age, decentralized and private payments are a crucial innovation for a digital future...