Bankers, government officials, and regulators all over the world are feeling increasingly alarmed by the disruptive...

Regulators are already raising concerns over Facebook’s libra digital currency. How will the social media behemoth...

France wants the European Union (EU) to adopt its recently enacted cryptocurrency regulations for the entire...

Several countries are racing to become the world capital of cryptocurrency technologies. Bermuda, Gibraltar, and Malta...

"In France, as everywhere in the world, blockchain projects face many uncertainties and complexities, whether financial,...

France’s Finance Minister, Bruno Le Maire, is the latest high profile person to embrace the power...

Cryptocurrencies, or at least defining the term, seem to be a hot topic at the current...

The former deputy governor of France’s central bank is to lead a task force examining how...

Bitcoin’s explosive growth is dramatically disrupting the monetary and banking system to such an extent that...