Weighing the pros and cons of the current debate in the Bitcoin community about whether to...

River Financial research analyst Sam Wouters shares about his report which details unique insights from the...

One developer brought down LND nodes with a massive multisignature transaction, causing issues across the Lightning...

A new major update of Bitcoin Core is being tested and is in its release candidate...

The new SeedQR format allows users to store their private key seed phrases as QR codes,...

Hash functions are a one-way mathematical problem. If a person has the resulting hash, it is...

Adding operation codes to Bitcoin can increase the types of functions users are able to perform,...

Only using Bitcoin addresses one time is best practice. By using addresses more than once, users...

Silent payments improve user privacy and are similar to stealth addresses and reusable payment codes, but...

UASF versus URSF is one mechanism for proposed changes to Bitcoin’s code. This should be the...

The newest update to Bitcoin’s main reference implementation was recently released. The hosts of “Bitcoin, Explained”...

Discussing Discreet Log Contracts, a type of smart contract that can be leveraged for many financial...

Discussing Bitcoin and Federated Ecash, a Blockstream-sponsored project that builds on David Chaum's Digicash startup from...

Compact Blocks, used by Bitcoin Core nodes since version 0.13, contain minimal amounts of data to...

Finally, digital money. We got to the part when Saifedean Ammous talks about Bitcoin.  So far,...

Discussing a recent attack on the Bitcoin network, in which some nodes were flooding peers with...

Discussing and explaining the technicalities of El Salvador's government-directed bitcoin wallet, Chivo.

The Van Wirdum Sjorsnado has rebranded, and is now called Bitcoin, Explained!

Explaining Lightning Network specification BOLT 12 and how it works with the Bitcoin Layer 2 protocol....