Millions of Bitcoin transactions that went through over 15 years were permanently recorded in 825,000 blocks,...

Bitcoin inscriptions have received a base security score of "5.3 Medium" on the U.S. National Vulnerability...

Ordinals-based inscriptions aren't taking away blockspace from monetary transfers because they’re settling for cheaper blockspace. Rather,...

A new Bitcoin-based NFT marketplace called Digital Bitcoin Art and Assets (DIBA) has launched on the...

Samson Mow, the CEO of JAN3 discusses the reason behinf the latest Bitcoin network congestion and...

Popular computer game Doom is now playable from the Bitcoin blockchain, but could the embedded data...

The launch of Bitcoin NFT Ordinals protocol has seen the average Bitcoin block size hit all-time...

Cryptocurrency’s hash rate measures a blockchain network’s processing power to process transactions

A fraternity-based approach to mine crypto, mining pools let miners combine their computational resources for a...

Lighting adoption, Segwit usage and Bitcoin user behaviour drives tx fees lower: scaling is working.

Glassnode reveals a new metric for measuring SegWit adoption as well as critical insights into crypto...

F2Pool has been the highest contributor to the hash rate by mining 88 BTC blocks in...

The Taproot upgrade, coming in as the first upgrade for the network in four years, is...

Following Dogecoin’s lead, Ethereum Classic rallied to a new all-time high and Bitcoin Cash price doubled...

Why do blockchains need transaction fees — and which networks allow crypto to be transferred...

Can Bitcoin's network handle mainstream adoption?

The block size debate is among the most contentious discourse in Bitcoin, having spawned numerous community...

Bitcoin blocks will ultimately fill up and fees will increase accordingly, another community figure has warned...

Bitcoin’s scaling crisis was one of several things Satoshi and earlier Bitcoiners never anticipated. Here’s how...

A Bitcoin fork means a “likely” loss of value, an investment source has said, regardless whether...