Crypto adoption continues to expand in Latin America as more countries embrace cryptocurrencies and digital assets....

An analyst has explained when Bitcoin could grow large enough to rival even the US Dollar...

Centralized cryptocurrency exchanges remain the gateway for most mainstream retail adopters when it comes to buying...

The approval of the Bitcoin ETFs has offered investors a welcome sign of relief, beyond the...

Increased stablecoin usage could be a sign of growing crypto adoption for a maturing industry.

Mi Primer Bitcoin, a nonprofit organization from El Salvador, announced the third installment of its Bitcoin...

Bitcoin and Ether can "greatly improve" the returns on traditional investment portfolios according to BBVA's head...

Weekly fund data pulled on June 15, 2024, has revealed significant outflows of capital, primarily from...

Blockchain needs more non-speculative use cases to onboard the next billion mainstream users.

The simplified trading experience could help PancakeSwap attract a larger market share from centralized exchanges.

DeFi Technologies, a publicly listed company, adopted Bitcoin as its primary treasury asset, as more public...

The CEO of Franklin Templeton shares her thoughts on the Bitcoin adoption cycle and where most...

In a bold move that has sent its stock price soaring, medical device company Semler Scientific...

A crypto enthusiast hiked to the summit of Mount Everest on May 20, showing the Bitcoin...

Bitcoin’s goal of creating a decentralized financial system may be challenged by ETFs “dragging money back...

On-chain data shows the Bitcoin adoption rate has slowed to the lowest since July 2018. Here’s...

Other estimate predict that the crypto industry will reach its first billion users by 2030.

Some of Europe's largest banks are developing crypto solutions, thanks to the regulatory clarity provided by...

MicroStrategy has completed its latest note offering, raising over $800 million to buy more Bitcoin for...

Bitcoin buying by El Salvador has delivered 50% gains on its 2,380 BTC stash.