Entrepreneur and MegaUpload creator Kim Dotcom has repeated his belief in Bitcoin over fiat currency, telling...

Bitcache creator Kim Dotcom has revealed he is working on a private Blockchain for his decentralized...

Kim Dotcom is on the hunt for “Blockchain gods” and “digital Picassos” as he seeks to...

Kim Dotcom has said his Bitcache project will leverage ICO technology to raise funds for its...

Kim Dotcom gave the community the first glance at the MegaUpload 2.0 & BitCache project and what...

Kim Dotcom’s Bitcache tool will use Bitcoin wallets to pay users for uploaded content, a sneak...

Kim Dotcom has revealed the reason for delaying his Megaupload 2/ Bitcache unveiling was due to...

The release of Kim Dotcom’s BitCache and Megaupload 2 (MU2) has been said to be a...

2017 is full of positive energy, renewed spirit, and the winds of change. As with any...

Kim Dotcom: “We are all really excited about taking Bitcoin to the next level.”

Cointelegraph gives you the latest progress report on the future mainstream website application that Kim Dotcom...

Bitcoin has undergone an impressive rise and is hovering at around the $611 mark. That’s about...

This morning, on Twitter, Kim revealed more information about his upcoming Bitcoin-based Megaupload 2.0 release.