The Contour blockchain platform has been used to settle a landmark cross-border transaction between Bangladesh and...

Standard Chartered Bank has launched the first remittance service in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is now on the blockchain map

A Bangeldeshi government agency is collaborating with IBM to harness blockchain for modernizing the country’s digital...

Finney, the blockchain smartphone developed by Switzerland-based Sirin Labs, will soon become available in Bangladesh

Bangladesh will use money from its $208 million IT project fund to send graduates for blockchain...

Blockchain technology can aid in defragmenting many countries’ procurement structures, a new report concludes.

Law enforcement in Bangladesh is actively hunting down users of Bitcoin as the use and trading...

With nearly half of the world untouched by the Internet, the potential to transform a crisis...

As the Bitcoin revolution continues to spread throughout the world, there are still some places where buying...

Indications show North Korea behind hacking Bitcoin accounts in organized government effort. Estimations value the amount...

bank of bangladesh bannes bitcoin

Bangladesh is an excellent example of how important smaller nations, especially countries with large tech presences,...