The list of non-mining companies that are standing against Bitcoin Unlimited’s hard fork intentions continues to...

Bitcoin wallet provider Armory has declared support for Segregated Witness and Bitcoin Core and “will not...

Bitcoin Unlimited’s ghostly new asset BCU is already evaporating on the two exchanges hosting it, having...

This article will cover the necessary steps that need to be considered when creating and maintaining...

While many companies in the Bitcoin space are working on the “killer app” that will...

I had the opportunity to sit down at Premier Studios with Trace Mayer as he...

Counterparty Cold Storage

Introducing the most interesting BTC Wallets

Bitcoin multisig wallets have tremendous potential for increasing the security of funds and giving technology...

On December 10 and 11 MediaBistro, a company that specializes in hosting blogs, courses and...

Much has happened since the first Silk Road report that we released a month ago....

The owner and operator of Silk Road, aliased as Dread Pirate Roberts, announced on August...

Centralization has always been an issue in the Bitcoin ecosystem. The original spirit of the...

Of all the formalized monetary systems that have ever been used by mankind, Bitcoin is...