Members of academia are inherently biased against Bitcoin, but there are intelligent and curious members who...

To date, much of the academic research on Bitcoin has lacked high-quality data and rigorous review....

Despite academics’ wishes, Bitcoin cannot be reduced down to a mysterious jargon-laden tulip mania.

Information is already free on the internet and students can get an excellent education by focusing...

Federal student loan forgiveness is immoral and fueled by the broken monetary system. Bitcoin would force...

Professor Korok Ray explains how higher education is starting to embrace Bitcoin as an important subject...

An invention like Bitcoin couldn’t be created in universities, but a shift toward interdisciplinary study can...

Learn about bitcoin? It seems that some academic institutions don’t want you to!

Modern educational institutions are mere shells of the learning centers they once were as a result...

The academic community must make the choice of honest intellectual consideration of Bitcoin or continued deliberate...

Bitcoin is clearly a social phenomenon worthy of study for a proper philosophy, politics and economics...

These notorious bitcoin bears have much to say about the technology — may the market decide...

What leads the institutions of academia and higher learning to harbor such resentment toward the technology...

According to a recent study, Stanford University boasts the highest number of cryptocurrency classes among top...