Vitalik Buterin Wins the 2014 World Technology Network Award

Vitalik Buterin has recently won the World Technology Network award for IT software and joins the ranks of Elon Musk, Nick Woodman, Levar Burton, and Palmer
Vitalik Buterin has recently won the World Technology Network award for IT software and joins the ranks of Elon Musk, Nick Woodman, Levar Burton, and Palmer
Op-ed - Vitalik Buterin Wins the 2014 World Technology Network Award

Vitalik Buterin has recently won the World Technology Network award for IT software and joins the ranks of Elon Musk, Nick Woodman, Levar Burton, and Palmer Luckey, who also received awards this year.

He won the award for being the co-creator & inventor, Ethereum; Co-Founder, Bitcoin magazine, but I felt this doesn’t really sum up how I’ve seen him participate in the community. I’ve made a list of links to his work that I feel strongly about and some other tidbits that may not be known by those in the Bitcoin community. In the end, Buterin is the least competitive person I know. He is an extremely cooperative person and helps remind me the futility of competing solely to see one winner succeed. Here is a list of articles which show some of the ways Buterin has helped educate the Bitcoin community:

Here are some other articles:

And here are some articles he’s posted on the Ethereum blog:

I know some feel as though Buterin’s involvement in Ethereum is a departure from his original support of the Bitcoin community, but with so many open source contributions under his belt, it is likely that Bitcoiners will continue to glean from his contributions now and well into the future.

Congrats, Vitalik!