Virgin Galactic already has six Bitcoin customers

Sir Richard Branson announced last November that Virgin Galactic would accept Bitcoin payments for its space flights, and Business Insider is reporting that six people have already signed up.
Sir Richard Branson announced last November that Virgin Galactic would accept Bitcoin payments for its space flights, and Business Insider is reporting that six people have already signed up.

Sir Richard Branson announced last November that Virgin Galactic would accept Bitcoin payments for its space flights, and Business Insider is reporting that six people have already signed up.

Virgin Galactic will take passengers beyond the Earth’s atmosphere, and flights are expected to begin in 2015. There have been 700 total bookings so far, at a price of $250,000 (or about 350 BTC at the time of writing).

Customers will have to first go through astronaut training, which includes three trips to Branson’s vacation island, Necker Island, in the Caribbean. Training also includes a zero-gravity practice flight.

And you thought you were jealous of all those Bitcoin millionaires before…

Virgin Galactic is using BitPay to process payments.

The company had a breakthrough in January, as its spacecraft passed its third test flight with flying colors, traveling at an altitude of 71,000 ft. (21,600 meters) and reaching speeds of mach 1.4.

“2014 will be the year when we will finally put our beautiful spaceship in her natural environment of space,” Branson told CNN last month.