US Government Encourages Blockchain-based Participation

The US Government has encouraged those with Blockchain technology concepts to share them with the government in order to help make government more open and accountable.
The US Government has encouraged those with Blockchain technology concepts to share them with the government in order to help make government more open and accountable.

The entire premise under Bitcoin and Blockchain technology is the power of decentralization - distributing a ledger for security and transparency.

In what might appear to be irony, the centralized US Federal government is seeking contributors of technological innovation at an upcoming workshop on Sept. 8.

The invitation was sent via DigitalGov blog, which is intended to share government updates on IT systems.

The post encouraged those with Blockchain technology concepts to share them with the government in order to help make government more open and accountable.

Those seeking to participate were instructed to draft proposals which would contribute to this goal.

The post said:

“Participants in this workshop, including US businesses, federal managers, civil society groups and researchers, are directed to draft proposals that specifically use artificial intelligence, Blockchain and/or open data to advance federal government transparency, accountability, participation, and/or technological innovation. Goals must also introduce a new, ambitious open government initiative, and all goals must be entirely new to the US government or include a new element that was not part of a past initiative.”

The workshop is part of the larger Open Government Partnership (OGP) which is designed to provide greater transparency in government offices.

The partnership is seeking to tap into private sector talent to achieve its goals.

Whether ironic or not, the power of Blockchain technology is being embraced around the world, and even in some unexpected places.