UN Partners WIN to Fight Child Trafficking With Blockchain

The UN has partnered with the World Identity Network to create a Blockchain-based identity system to help fight child trafficking.
The UN has partnered with the World Identity Network to create a Blockchain-based identity system to help fight child trafficking.

The United Nations (UN) has partnered with the World Identity Network (WIN) to create a Blockchain-based digital identity system to help fight child trafficking around the world.

The partners have already launched a pilot test of the system as of mid-November 2017.

The partners announced the launching of the pilot program at the Humanitarian Blockchain Summit held in New York. The pilot involves the participation of UN agencies, UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and the UN Office of Information and Communications Technology (UN-OICT).

In their press release, the partners claimed that the use of the system increases the chance of apprehending the child traffickers.

“Storing digital identities on a Blockchain provides a ‘significantly higher chance of catching traffickers.’ Additionally, securing identity data on an immutable ledger will make trafficking attempts ‘more traceable and preventable.’"

How does child trafficking happen

Child traffickers usually use fake identification documents to transport young individuals across borders. The victims are eventually forced to participate in serious illegal activities like illegal human organ trade and sex trade.

In her statement, WIN Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Dr. Mariana Dahan, said that “invisible” children under the age of five and who have no birth certificates are potential trafficking victims as they are often missed by social programs being offered by governments or development agencies.

"Several developing countries are actively looking at more efficient ways to prevent child trafficking. Identification is always at the heart of the solution."

Meanwhile, UN Women Deputy Executive Director, Yannick Glemarec, said that child trafficking is among the greatest human rights abuses. The use of Blockchain technology can be effective in resolving the problem and save millions of children around the world.

"Child trafficking is one of the greatest human rights abuses. Blockchain would be a ‘potentially powerful’ technology to address the problem and potentially save ‘millions of children.’"

In the past, the United Nations has also used Blockchain to send aid in Syria, launched a car fleet management project, and is currently testing other ways to use Blockchain on its other projects.