Ukraine collaborates with US Company to open Blockchain R&D Center in Kiev

The first-of-kind Blockchain Research and Development center opened in Kiev to establish FinTech and blockchain solutions in the Ukraine as well as worldwide.
The first-of-kind Blockchain Research and Development center opened in Kiev to establish FinTech and blockchain solutions in the Ukraine as well as worldwide.

The first-of-kind Blockchain Research and Development center opened in Kiev to establish FinTech and blockchain solutions in the Ukraine as well as worldwide. The center will be working on new technological opportunities and a blockchain project to set up a governance as a service system in Odessa, Ukraine.

The Innovecs US business technology outsourcing company has partnered with Michael Chobanyan, founder of the Bitcoin Foundation Ukraine and KUNA Bitcoin Agency, to launch the blockchain R&D center.

Michael Chobanyan, Vice-President of Blockchain Solutions and FinTech Practice, explained to the Cointelegraph:

“In collaboration with Innovecs we opened the R&D center that is now working on the Odessa’s project. First, the center will study the use of blockchain technology and other open-source projects. It will also teach the society about the benefits of this new technology. We also plan to build a real estate register similar to Factom. The final aim is to develop governance-as-a-service based on blockchain tech.”

Michael Chobanyan, Vice-President of Blockchain Solutions

Recently, Innovecs joined a number of companies accepting bitcoin for its services. The company believes that blockchain technology could be used both for business management and for country governance.

Alex Lutskiy, Co-founder and CEO of Innovecs, said:

“Today we are actively building up relationships with US and European product companies that work with blockchain technology. Setting-up the blockchain research and development center in Innovecs gives new technological opportunities not only on the level of world corporations but also on the countrywide level.”

Alex Lutskiy, CEO of Innovecs

According to Bitcoin Foundation Ukraine, the country has a great number of IT-certified specialists and the largest number of places to buy bitcoin per capita. That is why Ukraine should be considered as the best country in Eastern Europe to adopt blockchain technology and digital currency.

“Technological solutions will aid the financial sector and the machine of government to become ‘healthier’ and more efficient: replacing the human factor with a technology, we exclude a third-party influence and provide absolute data transparency and security,” said Chobanyan.