UK FCA-registered copy trading platform enables investors with frictionless portfolio management

As cryptocurrency becomes more crucial to finance, the industry will become more reliant on leading technology solutions to empower novice users
As cryptocurrency becomes more crucial to finance, the industry will become more reliant on leading technology solutions to empower novice users

The appeal of profits incurred through cryptocurrency trading has only increased for those not already participating in the market. However, despite Bitcoin’s average return being over 800% and other altcoins offering comparable numbers, such as Ethereum at 400%, the cryptocurrency market is one of the most difficult to navigate for beginners, often being considered more complex than the traditional market. Although the barriers are high, investors are still not deterred. After all, with more risk often comes higher rewards.

At its foundation, one reason that makes investing in this market so challenging is that it is never closed. With its doors being available 24/7, traders are more likely to incur perpetual FOMO as they attempt to stay on top of all the ups and downs in the market at all times.

With no break, investors quickly face burnout and unnecessary stress; as they learn to navigate a series of technical indicators and charting methods. In addition to the time consumed, new traders are often being heavily influenced by those on social media platforms, some of the most common being Instagram and TikTok creators. On these platforms, investors quickly gain a considerable following, taking on the appearance of an experienced investor, when in reality, they are just as inexperienced as their followers. These are just a few reasons that the learning curve remains steep, especially for those without prior experience.

With copy trading, first-time investors no longer need to spend time learning about trends, charts or making the weighty decision to buy, sell or hold one of the many assets available to them. Instead, they can choose an investor who has continuously generated high returns and duplicate these trades in their own portfolio. ICONOMI is just one of the platforms leading the charge as a cryptocurrency strategy provider, offering users a crypto copy trading and social trading solution.

Since its inception in 2016, ICONOMI has become one of only a handful of firms to be registered to provide its services in the UK (FCA), giving users a secure path forward to progress from beginners to knowledgeable investors.

Developing strategies without hassle

Recognizing that very shortly, digital currencies will play a more crucial role in finance, ICONOMI is operating with the mission to build leading technology solutions while simultaneously developing compliance tools to build trust in the system. By facilitating a process whereby users are free to design and copy strategies based on their own individual preferences and expertise, the platform can empower users to control their investments in a place where like-minded individuals can come there and help each other on their investment journeys. 

With ICONOMI’s flagship product, Crypto Strategies, users can review the past performance history of each strategy before choosing which ones they wish to reproduce. To further simplify this process, the platform itself provides an interface that relieves the user from a range of complex processes, including managing multiple exchange platforms, setting up orders, transferring tokens between various wallets and exchanges, storage, and pricing, thereby providing a trading experience that a beginner can pick up quickly. 

More insights on iconomi here

In the words of their team, ICONOMI effectively becomes a “Hassle-free crypto management without order books and other complicated features that users face on exchange.” 

In the backend, these solutions rely on a sophisticated proprietary trading engine which powers the ICONOMI platform, ensuring a seamless experience for all users. As a result, each trade undertaken is considered the best possible on the market because each price is checked on more than ten leading exchanges concurrently. As a result, in 2021 alone, the engine has reported digesting over 90 million individual orders. 

Reaching new milestones

ICONOMI has now crossed the 300 million mark in assets under its management, with 4000 hosted crypto strategies on their platform, over 1 million in user payouts, and 300.000 rebalances. Despite the substantial user growth and advancements made in their mobile app, the future still contains many significant developments, including the implementation of Anchor Earn, improvements to the ICONOMI trading engine, and the addition of new assets.

Learn more about Iconomi

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