US Presidential candidate served for alleged securities fraud at rally in NYC

Presidential rally did not turn out as Brock Pierce had envisioned it.
Presidential rally did not turn out as Brock Pierce had envisioned it.

Presidential candidate Brock Pierce was served for his connection to alleged securities fraud during his campaign rally in New York City earlier today.

Source: Twitter.

James Koutoulas, the lawyer leading this case, told Cointelegraph that Pierce was served legal documents in connection with a class action case against — a company that Pierce co-founded. was the company behind EOS’ $4 billion initial coin offering. The project’s ICO was the largest such offering to date.

Brock Pierce has co-founded a number of crypto projects aside from, including Tether and Blockchain Capital. The first two have been subject to ongoing legal action for a number of years.

Pierce announced his long-shot candidacy for U.S. President in July, hot on the heels of Kanye West. His campaign site states that he is a pioneer of digital currency and has raised more than $5 billion for the companies he has founded.

Pierce tweeted a response to the original tweet by Koutoulas, calling his actions a "publicity stunt", adding that he is proud of his work at Block.One:

Source: Twitter