Tropical Paradise Available for Bitcoin

Seeing the title of the article one might think that we are talking about travelling and recreation possibilities for Bitcoin users.
Seeing the title of the article one might think that we are talking about travelling and recreation possibilities for Bitcoin users.

Seeing the title of the article one might think that we are talking about travelling and recreation possibilities for Bitcoin users. Partly, it is true, but the cryptocurrency allowed ensuring some piece, sun, comfort and laziness for a time much longer than 10 days of an ordinary vacation. Gregory Simon decided to provide himself and his family with an opportunity to change the environment and to move to a very attractive country in Central America.

Many people dream to be able to afford a piece of property in a tourist destination at the sea shore and hope to save up the necessary amount of money at least till retirement. Mr. Simon allowed himself to make this step as he was sure he had the required sum. He found a 0,3 acre piece of land in Nicaragua and what is much more important – he paid for the purchase of this desired item in Bitcoin. He is not the first person in real estate choosing the virtual coin. Our online magazine has featured articles on houses to be sold for digital money before. Among the most noticeable was the couple Sommer, who decided to get rid of their huge furnished mansion, full of collectibles and pieces of art, for 7,85 million dollars in Bitcoin. Their two sons are Bitcoin entrepreneurs, but as all their children became adults the house started to seem a little bit too big and was assigned to an agent. Several more humble homes were also offered in Canada, but the sum was always less than a million US dollars and one of the properties featured a private forest.

Mr. Simon sought for an offer at the San Juan del Sur called Paradise Bay. The chosen land has no construction on it and he is working on the design of the future home with his girlfriend. The purchase was made from his acquaintance realtor Sean Dennis from Nica Life Realty. He did not know about the coin, but was convinced by the buyer to make the transaction with the coin network – fast, with no fees and very reliable. Gregory Simon describes the cryptographic currency as a way to “less wars, less government dependency, smaller governments, more liberty”. He left the banking industry after a 12-year successful experience as he has switched his attitude towards the industry. He sees that the financial institutions gain wealth from the poorest parties of the society, become uncontrolled and unswerving, but putting pressure on the humanity. In 2012 he got interested in Bitcoin and forecasts a great future to the economic invention.

The price of the property is not announced, the first deposit was made on the 3rd of December, but now the whole price has been paid and the land fully belongs to Simon. His new idea is to find merchants and builders ready to provide him with a home, but be paid also in Bitcoin. So, dear readers, if You would like to be a contractor of Mr. Simon, please, hurry and be sure You will also land on the pages of our news platform!