This startup is gamifying crypto trading with a metaverse experience

This financially-focused crypto startup wants to gamify crypto trading
This financially-focused crypto startup wants to gamify crypto trading

With an always-on presence, a lack of regulation and unpredictable volatility, the crypto market isn’t an easy one to break into. New traders are often overwhelmed at everything presented to them and are easy prey for well-designed scams and rug pulls.

That said, it’s possible to learn the market and approach trading in a knowledgeable way, but a lot of that knowledge comes with experience. And that experience is only gained by losing money. At least, that’s how it feels in the crypto space. However, one startup, Ninja Fantasy Trader, is aiming to fix that issue, creating a safe space for new traders to learn the market.

Gamifying finance

Ninja Fantasy Trader is one of the first financially-focused play-to-earn NFT metaverse games. The title ties itself to the real world, pulling information from real-life markets such as stocks, forex and cryptocurrencies and applying that data to the in-game economy.

Gameplay consists of various modes, with the main mechanic being that of market trading. For example, in a mode the game’s design team refers to as paper trading, a player can trade crypto, stocks, and other financial instruments for as much time as they’d like.

What’s interesting, however, is that players can cash out their in-game portfolios for real crypto in the form of the project’s NTC token — a Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and Ethereum (ETH)-powered asset.


More insights on Ninja Fantasy Trader here

Alongside typical trading, players can compete in one-on-one and tournament matches. In these battles, players stake their assets and participate in a timed live trading session, with the most profitable trader earning funds from the tournament’s prize pool. The more users participate, the larger the prize pool is.

The Ninja Fantasy Trader team posits their game as one for new and expert traders alike. Individual paper trading is presented as a safe way for one to learn the market, while the more advanced battle modes allow experienced traders to put their money on the line and test their skills.

Become a trading master

Now, players in Ninja Fantasy Trader aren’t just any old traders. Instead, game avatars are represented by Ninjas or NFTraders. By owning a Ninja, players can access the trading games and tournaments, build offices and companies, earn investors to generate a passive income and more.

Each Ninja is an NFT with its own unique traits, but there’s also a rarer tier of NFTs, Samurais, of which there will only be 31,700. Samurai holders will gain the ability to breed NFTraders called Seniors. Seniors will have upgradable skills not seen anywhere else in the game.

Otherwise, players can use the NTC token to build offices and collect rent or take advantage of staking and participate in governance. They will also earn a VIP membership that comes with trading courses, market analysis, a special trading group, etc.

The Ninja Fantasy Trader developers are holding a presale on March 18 and will be auctioning off 10,144 Samurais. Upcoming features include a marketplace release, community events, and a browser and mobile release of the Trading game.

Learn more about Ninja Fantasy Trader

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