Theatre Begins with Bitcoin in London

In the beginning of the 20th century Constantin Stanislavski, a famous Russian actor and theater director stated: “Theatre begins at the cloakroom”.
In the beginning of the 20th century Constantin Stanislavski, a famous Russian actor and theater director stated: “Theatre begins at the cloakroom”.

In the beginning of the 20th century Constantin Stanislavski, a famous Russian actor and theater director stated: “Theatre begins at the cloakroom”. Time has passed and the Cointelegraph is ready to ascertain that in the technological era it begins with prepayments completed with Bitcoin. The London Theatre Direct agency is ready to provide the required evidence.

The mentioned agency is the first in the United Kingdom and almost definitely in world accepting Bitcoin. Just recently it has announced the decision to provide services in exchange for virtual assets. The processing is going to be completed via BitPay.

Such turn allows the agency “leading the way” in the branch. The forecasted success makes the administration to think about the introduction of other cryptocurrencies or even local money units.  

The Official Comments


Francis Hellyer, the managing director of the agency London Direct Theater is proud to be a pioneer and comments:

“Bitcoin is an exciting, experimental, decentralized digital currency that enables instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. We want to embrace new methods of accepting payments online.”

As it is not the only company offering tickets for theater events, as well as attractions and exhibitions, it is very important to outpace the competitors. Hellyer continues:

“Although Theatreland is typically a little slower on the uptake of newer technologies, we have been pushing very hard over the past few years to set an example to the industry by experimenting with new technologies.”

The introduction of Bitcoin has practical advantages for the customers – secure and mobile-friendly, generally cheaper transactions.

The London Eye Directed on Bitcoin Venues

Undoubtedly the agency is the first among similar companies interested in Bitcoin, but there are other, already numerous, merchants and retailers successfully using the virtual currency for some time.    


The Burger Bear stand started to accept Bitcoin in November of 2013. Due to the humble turnover, but extraordinary taste of burgers and excessive interest it has become an example for many startups and ideas.

One of the clothing shops from the East London was the first to introduce and promote the interactive Bitcoin price-label updated automatically. This innovation has lifted the standard of Bitcoin comfort for common users.

The city has featured and is going to hold several cryptocurrency events, among them the Satoshi Square and Digital Money meetup. However, for sterling development of the infrastructure some ATM’s would be required.