The Triple Bottom Line: How Gather Is Enabling More Corporate Social Responsibility

With Gather Network, enterprise clients can take more control over reducing their environmental impact Today’s businesses can no longer ignore their social responsibility; the vast majority create a substantial ecological footprint and therefore must make extra effort to ensure that they are running a socially responsible business during an age of increasing environmental concern. Corporate social […]
With Gather Network, enterprise clients can take more control over reducing their environmental impact Today’s businesses can no longer ignore their social responsibility; the vast majority create a substantial ecological footprint and therefore must make extra effort to ensure that they are running a socially responsible business during an age of increasing environmental concern. Corporate social […]

With Gather Network, enterprise clients can take more control over reducing their environmental impact

Today’s businesses can no longer ignore their social responsibility; the vast majority create a substantial ecological footprint and therefore must make extra effort to ensure that they are running a socially responsible business during an age of increasing environmental concern. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has grown into a worldwide social trend and no longer serves only as an ethical choice for brands and companies, but also as a badge of transparency and responsibility that can greatly benefit their business.

According to last year’s reputation study by Global RepTrak, the majority of consumers prefer to buy goods and services from companies that are socially conscious and proactive; the global business has listened and as of 2019, 90% of S&P 500 companies publish sustainability reports, with a more ambitious set of goals than ever.

Gather Network enables businesses to further showcase their commitment to reducing their environmental impact, via a multi-layered protocol stack that enables processing power to be collected and redistributed by businesses. With the Gather Network platform, companies can now utilize existing hardware and reduce their carbon footprint by powering their own cloud solutions.

The power to change the planet, put back in the hands of the business

The triple bottom line consists of “three Ps”: profit, people, and the planet and in focusing on the planet, businesses look to reduce their environmental impact and “be better”. But more often than not, the largest resources (such as processing power and storage space) are provided to businesses by third parties and are therefore sometimes difficult to improve upon.

Businesses utilizing Gather Network can essentially become their own processing power provider; an office with anything from 10 to 1000 computers or more can now use Gather Network to collect computing power from company devices, redistributing it to power cloud solutions in-house. By removing the need for external providers, Gather Network not only gives businesses more of a say into how much they contribute to their footprint, but it also saves them money in the process.

Good for the planet, good for business

CSR is not just an obligation but also a tool that can be used to polish brand image, gain and retain consumer trust. Not only this but creating transparent processes that look inward to tackle over-usage of resources and such usually results in a more efficiently-run business, alongside making a positive impact on the environment and society. Essentially, CSR is a win-win.

Today’s businesses can no longer ignore their social responsibility and, with more consumers today interested in “brands with a purpose”, Gather Network gives businesses the power to actively manage and reduce their own power consumption in a way that is forward-thinking, effective and highly secure. As the world looks to minimise the damage we cause to the environment, blockchain technology continues to shine as a powerful tool for change and Gather sits at the forefront of innovation.


Image by Gennaro Leonardi from Pixabay