The Longevity Investors Conference Gstaad brought together longevity experts and deep-pocketed investors

Longevity Investors Conference brought together high level scientists, clinicians and investors who all agreed on one big goal: Bringing the concept of longevity to life.
Longevity Investors Conference brought together high level scientists, clinicians and investors who all agreed on one big goal: Bringing the concept of longevity to life.

Longevity Investors Conference brought together high level scientists, clinicians and investors who all agreed on one big goal: Bringing the concept of longevity to life. Longevity experts and visionaries joined the conference, such as George Church, professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School; Aubrey de Grey, chief of science offices at SENS Research Foundation; Brian Kennedy, director at Center for Healthy Longevity and professor of the biochemistry and physiology departments at National University of Singapore; Charles Brenner from Alfred E. Mann Family Foundation and chair of diabetes and cancer metabolism at Beckman Research Institute of City of Hope; Christian Angermayer, founder of Apeiron Investment Group; Eric Verdin, president and CEO of Buck Institute for Research on Ageing; Nir Barzilai, director of the Institute for Ageing Research at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine; Michael Greve, founder of Forever Healthy Foundation; Evelyne Yehudit Bischof, associate professor, internal medicine specialist and longevity physician at Human Longevity Inc.; Alex Zhavoronkov, founder and CEO of Insilico Medicine; Phil Newman, founder of First Longevity and editor-in-chief at Longevity.Technology; Wei-Wu He, executive chairman at Human Longevity Inc., chairman and CEO of CASI Pharmaceuticals Inc. and chairman and founder of Genetron Health; and many more.

Longevity Investors Conference, being the most exclusive conference for longevity investors,   brought together over 130 investors from around the globe. The investors as well as the speakers had the chance to see the Startup Showcase that took place on Day One of the conference in partnership with Phil Newman from Longevity Technology. The Startup Showcase provided the chance to some of the most promising longevity startups to present their work and ideas, such as Tom Weldon, founder, chairman and CEO of Ponce De Leon Health; Nikolina Lauc, co-founder and CEO of GlycanAge; Stan Watowich, founder and interim CEO of Ridgeline Therapeutics; Owen Phillips, CEO of BrainKey; Nika Pintar, co-founder and CEO of Ani Biome; and Bruno Balen co-founder of Ani Biome.

The venue, Le Grand Bellevue Hotel in Gstaad, recently rated the Hotel of the Year by Swiss media, was privatized for the LIC guests ensuring an exclusive networking experience. There were many networking opportunities over the course of the two days — during the networking dinners and lunches and especially during coffee breaks and receptions held in the Longevity Lounge, where guests could get the exclusive chance to experience the latest trends in longevity therapies and treatments from exhibitors.

The ending of the Longevity Investors Conference was marked by a gala dinner, during which the Maximon Longevity Prize Award Ceremony took place. Elisabeth Roider, partner and chief scientific and medical officer at Maximon explained from a scientific point of view that “translation efforts from computational biology to wet lab approaches to clinical trials are needed on the way. Many small steps will be required while the big picture should be in place. The prize is especially important, as it highlights the effort that is needed to identify safe and new ways to target ageing, the need for large clinical trials, which investigate the effect of interventions on ageing, and the importance of mental health, platforms and AI in future longevity medicine.”

Marc Bernegger, one of the driving forces behind the conference, said: “There are more and more traditional investors joining the longevity space, which creates massive investment opportunities. The special setup of this year’s conference enables not only knowledge exchange but also effective community-building, which is very unique for the industry and has never happened before to this extent.” Bernegger’s partner and LIC co-founder, Dr. Tobias Reichmuth, added: “The longevity industry will be one of the biggest investment opportunities over the next decade, expected to be worth at least $600 billion by 2025. It is experiencing a great momentum, and this is the ideal time to use it in favor of educating and spreading the information to investors. In an ocean of scientific-oriented conferences, a professional and global investor-focused longevity conference such as LIC provides an opportunity for the industry’s top investors and innovators to get acquainted with recent developments and breakthroughs.” 

The next Longevity Investors Conference will be held in the Autumn of 2023. Participation is open for registration on the website.
