The Andy Milonakis NFT Show, EP. 6 – Profit, Betrayal, And Addiction

Tonight, on The Andy Milonakis NFT Show: Our hero falls deeper and deeper. The Andy Milonakis from a month ago is not today’s Andy Milonakis. His Anonymice play from Episode 5 paid big, but some members of the community are still slamming him for what they consider selling pieces from other collections too early.  Related […]
Tonight, on The Andy Milonakis NFT Show: Our hero falls deeper and deeper. The Andy Milonakis from a month ago is not today’s Andy Milonakis. His Anonymice play from Episode 5 paid big, but some members of the community are still slamming him for what they consider selling pieces from other collections too early.  Related […]

Tonight, on The Andy Milonakis NFT Show: Our hero falls deeper and deeper. The Andy Milonakis from a month ago is not today’s Andy Milonakis. His Anonymice play from Episode 5 paid big, but some members of the community are still slamming him for what they consider selling pieces from other collections too early. 

Related Reading | The Andy Milonakis NFT Show, EP. 1 – Our Hero Falls Down The Rabbit Hole

This episode is all about NFT addiction and trying to figure out what’s the right way to play the NFT game, if there’s one. Do the people who criticize Milonakis have a point? Or are they just pocket watching and sticking their nose where it doesn’t belong? That’s for you to decide, dear reader.

We’re going to get into it, but first, let’s press play on this show’s theme song.

Andy Milonakis’ Dad Is On The Case

This very musical episode starts with a video appearance from Andy’s dad, who thinks people on the Internet are stealing his son’s money with that NFT nonsense.

This man is going to do some research, so watch out! He might end up here.

Then, Milonakis gives you all some alpha. We already established that communities are as important as the art when it comes to NFTs, well, here are Andy’s favorites:

And because this show has it all, here’s a heartwarming story that involves Anonymice and the opportunities NFTs bring. This person claims that with one transaction he or she was “able to generate a full 7 ETH profit on this sale which I am going to be able to use to pay off the entirety of my partner’s medical bills.” Wow.

The Aftermath Of The Anonymice Play

For those of you who were too lazy to check out the previous episode, in the following video, Andy Milonakis summarizes the story while making fun of the people who are antagonizing him. 

But, since Andy is an Internet professional, he shows us what his haters are saying to him and then proceeds to slam them into the ground. We also learn how big the Anonymice play paid, from 7 ETH to 100 ETH in a couple of days. Wow.

Also, in the replies to that tweet, he gets another tip that will make him money: Borpacasso. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. First, Andy gets a shout out from the Anonymice creators:

And then, our hero informs us where he got the tip to buy Anonymice in the first place. “I caught lightning in a bottle in less than a month of collecting,” he says.

Surprise!, it was in one of the communities he previously recommended.

ETHUSD price chart for 09/28/2021 - TradingView

ETH price chart for 09/28/2021 on Bitfinex | Source: ETH/USD on

Musical Interlude: “Drake Songs” By Andy Milonakis

NFT Addiction Is Real

Here it comes, the Borpacasso story:

In episode 7, Andy Milonakis will get involved in this project in a big way. Stay tuned.

This man has hundreds of NFTs and he still needs more. Should we trust his taste and sixth sense when it comes to NFTs? Are the projects he wants a valuable tip or yesterday’s newspaper?

Some Degen did a tier chart of the most noteworthy NFT projects and Andy went hard in the paint for his favorites. 

And it all goes back to Anonymice. Our hero needs more and it’s trying to get them in various ways. SPOILER ALERT: He does get another one. 

Musical Interlude: “Avocado Song” By Andy Milonakis

Justification & Conflict In The NFT World

Apparently, Opensea, the largest NFT marketplace, won’t verify Anonymice on their site because it’s a DeFi project. And, because of that, the stats it shows are not accurate and people are confused about the project’s success or lack thereof. Well, Andy Milonakis is on the case:

Unfortunately for the mice, not even Andy’s star power could make Opensea change its rules. At least not yet. 

Here, we get more information about one of the pieces Andy sold. In the link, you can see the Lion and what’s worth. In Milonakis’ response, we learn more about how much did he actually earn, “I multiplied them for free and now worth 4-15 each.

However, members of the community still attack him with embarrassing rhymes. “He’s not in it for it for the art, he’s in it for the ponzi and that’s just obvi,” says one anonymous NFT fan. With his answer, Andy shows that he understands the in and outs of the world he got into. “I don’t see anything wrong with moving sh*t around and doing trades with stuff that seems a little more volatile at the time and re-scooping when the time is right.

Related Reading | The Andy Milonakis NFT Show, EP. 2 – Our Hero Came, Saw, And Conquered

This episode still ends with a justification. Does Andy Milonakis really need to do this? Are the trolls getting to him? Or is he trying to deliver alpha for his followers? Join us next time and find out, as we continue to explore the NFT world through Andy Milonakis’ eyes and actions.

Featured Image: The show's logo, based on an Andy Milonakis drawing | Charts By TradingView