Teik Ming Lee

Teik Ming Lee bitcoin
Teik Ming Lee bitcoin

Personal Details

TM Lee, born 1989, currently living in Singapore


BS in Computer Science with a minor in psychology, Purdue University

Professional experience and achievement

TM is a software engineer who has worked on various startup projects encompassing the travel, real estate, education and agricultural industries.


Startups, Bitcoin, coffee, product development, economics

First experience with cryptocurrencies

TM first became aware of the potential of Bitcoin in early 2013. He began to learn from the ground up how Bitcoin works, how it would impact the average person, and how the idea of decentralization would change the way people do things.

Role in the Bitcoin community

TM is a co-founder of CoinGecko, a cryptocurrency ranking website that provides a 360-degree overview of major cryptocurrencies. He also started CoinBounce, a micropayment service built on top of Coinbase to help internet merchants get up to speed selling virtual stuff for Bitcoin.