Tatiana Visits New Zealand’s First Bitcoin South

I have been prepping for weeks and have finally arrived in Melbourne for my tour of Australia and New Zealand. What brings me all the way across the world?
I have been prepping for weeks and have finally arrived in Melbourne for my tour of Australia and New Zealand. What brings me all the way across the world?
A public ruling integrates crypto assets as legal and taxable forms of payment in New Zealand.

A public ruling integrates crypto assets as legal and taxable forms of payment in New Zealand.

I have been prepping for weeks and have finally arrived in Melbourne for my tour of Australia and New Zealand. What brings me all the way across the world? Well, Bitcoin South, which is 29th & 30th Nov, in beautiful Queenstown, New Zealand! Not only will I be speaking and performing the Bitcoin Jingle along with other songs from my 3rd album, but I will also be doing a lot of video content for the magazine, which I really look forward to sharing. In the meantime, you still have time to get your tickets and join me! But why should you? Well, I send some questions over to Fran Strajnar of www.BraveNewCoin.com and the organizer of the conference to find out more.

Tatiana: When and where is conference located?

Fran: 29th & 30th Nov, in beautiful Queenstown, New Zealand.

Why do you think Queenstown is a good location, and what made you want to undertake such a big project?

Queenstown matches the spirit of Bitcoin: bold, adventurous, elegant in its aesthetics. Queenstown has an International Airport so we thought “people will need to travel anyway – let them travel somewhere nice”. I’m putting it on to drive adoption in Australasia.

Who are some of the speakers and why did you choose them?

We selected our speakers carefully. We wanted the best in the world in the fields of regulation, FinTech, Investments, Economics, Security etc. so to match our Agenda – a comprehensive progression from “What Is Bitcoin?” through to taxes & regulation and onto the advanced subjects which go into the practical uses and show where the disruption/future is heading.

Andreas Antonopoulos is probably the most well known Bitcoin Expert in the world. Jeffrey Tucker is a published Economist and understands what the relationship of bitcoin and money is, Ben Bomhardt from Draglet will cover the bitcoin trading/exchange markets and their evolution. The Chief Executive of Payments NZ is sitting on our regulation panel and many decision makers in finance and government are expected to attend to gain a foundation for building comprehensive regulation on. There’s too many to name, but they are listed at our site for people.

What other activities will be going on? I know that New Zealand is a more adventurous location than the average conference setting?

There’s opportunity for adventure sports. We’re going to go for a bungee jump with Andreas and anybody else feeling up to it on the day before the conference. There are wine-tours, golf, a few private dinners planned: different groups are into different things – we just give people the option to do anything they want by listing the activities on the website.

How will this event be different?

Most people fly in and fly out to conferences. By choosing the adventure capital of the world (Queenstown, NZ) we are offering people the ability to meet, network, then build on those relationships on the days after the conference by doing activities or sight-seeing together.

How did you get involved with Bitcoin and what other projects are you working on besides the conference?

I heard about Bitcoins in 2010. Didn’t start any companies around it until late 2013.

My company Techemy Ltd, which is the only comprehensive and accurate Price-Index on the planet, is designed to offer true price-discovery. Having accurate market data allows for products and services to be built on top of it. We are about to launch our 2.0 API for those looking at building such services. We will also be launching a new portal on bitcoin.info domain shortly with more useful info and tools.

What’s next for the region? How is Bitcoin viewed?

Just like everywhere else – there’s those who understand it. Then there’s those who haven’t done the research. There’s some really exciting things happening within NZ and AUS in the Bitcoin space – lots of development and investment in all areas.

For more information on the conference or Brave New Coin, go to:


