Swarm #1: Solomon Lederer’s Coinspace Project

I got to meet Solomon Lederer for the first time at Palo Alto, CA. He stand over 6 feet and peered down over everyone else at the Swarm Nest (Swarm's co-living
I got to meet Solomon Lederer for the first time at Palo Alto, CA. He stand over 6 feet and peered down over everyone else at the Swarm Nest (Swarm's co-living
Op-ed - Swarm #1: Solomon Lederer’s Coinspace Project

I got to meet Solomon Lederer for the first time at Palo Alto, CA. He stand over 6 feet and peered down over everyone else at the Swarm Nest (Swarm's co-living space), but he has been kind to all those under his shadow.

I saw him do several dry runs of his presentation, and watched the live event where he communicated his vision and fielded questions about his project called Coinspace where Lederer plans to convert an empty warehouse to a booming meeting place for Bitcoiners around the world.

Ruben Alexander: Why do you think Coinspace is important for NYC?

Solomon Lederer: It's important for every large city to have a destination focused on bitcoin, especially if they what to be a center of innovation. It's important for a large city like New York to have a place where anyone can go to learn about bitcoin.

What is the issuance structure of the HOUSECOIN?

Housecoins for the most part act like vouchers for access to Coinspace. Each housecoin is redeemable for a day pass. While technically there's no cap on their quantity, they'll always have that same redeemable value for all time.

What makes Brooklyn, NY a good for cryptocoin businesses?

Our location is in an edgy innovative Brooklyn neighborhood. MakerBot, for instance, just moved their headquarters nearby.

What projects were you involved in before Coinspace?

My background is very much in tech and ranges from doing research in distributed networks at a defense company to software development at an investment bank.

What type of events to you plan to have at Coinspace?

Events that feature bitcoin companies and their products and talks by notable bitcoin personalities.

Do you plan to expand to other locations around the globe?

Yes. Until then people can visit us virtually via our in-house Beam telepresence robot.

Why did you choose Swarm to launch your crowdfund?

We want to embody the ethos of Bitcoin every step of the way and that includes a crowdfunder where people can fund us using bitcoin. The Swarm platform also gives us the ability to create and launch our own internal digital currency.

What types of people do you expect to work together at Coinspace?

Everyone that is doing work with or on blockchain technology. Whether that's someone creating a blockchain backed service or a freelance writer covering bitcoin, we believe they'll benefit from working at Coinspace.