Stader releases Litepaper for ETHx, its ETH liquid staking solution

Stader released its Litepaper for ETHx highlighting how ETHx will boost home stakers, with the lowest bonding requirement in the ecosystem of just 4 ETH and also deliver best-in-class staking yield and DeFi for users
Stader released its Litepaper for ETHx highlighting how ETHx will boost home stakers, with the lowest bonding requirement in the ecosystem of just 4 ETH and also deliver best-in-class staking yield and DeFi for users

Stader, a multi-chain, non-custodial liquid staking protocol with ~100mn $+ in TVL, will soon launch its liquid staking token, ETHx. Stader released its Litepaper for ETHx highlighting how ETHx will boost home stakers, with the lowest bonding requirement in the ecosystem of just 4 ETH and also deliver best-in-class staking yield and DeFi for users.

The Ethereum staking ecosystem is mature with multiple protocols and entities providing services, however, an evaluation of the current state of Ethereum staking highlights some key challenges:

  • High concentration of ETH staked with few entities:
  1. Top 3 entities having over 50% of ETH staked through them.
  2. A top liquid staking protocol that has nearly 90% market share and works exclusively with permissioned node operators.
  • Liquid Staking Deposit (LSD) protocols that work with permissionless node operations have struggled to keep up with user demand.
  • Beyond the top protocol, LSDs have yet to achieve meaningful acceptance in the DeFi space.


Stader’s ETHx has been thoughtfully designed to address these challenges:

  • Home stakers will be the backbone of ETHx with only 4 ETH required for bonding: Stader did an extensive data analysis in collaboration with SSV on the bond requirement and concluded 4 ETH is sufficient to cover key tail risks that impact staked funds.
  • Scalability and Resilience: ETHx will have a multi-pool architecture that includes permissionless and permissioned pools solving for decentralization and scalability at the same time. In the future, ETHx will also support a dedicated Distributed validator technology (DVT) pool that will improve node operator resilience.
  • Best-in-class staking yield to users with exposure to staking rewards, MEV and tips at a competitive commission of 10% (to be shared equally between node operators and Stader).
  • Full fledged DeFi, leveraging Stader’s expertise from building DeFi ecosystems for its liquid tokens across 6 chains. Stader has 40+ protocols supporting its LSDs including AAVE v3 (Polygon market), Balancer, Beefy, Quickswap, Apeswap,  BeethovenX and more!

Amitej Gajjala, Co-founder and CEO, Stader Labs, CEO of Stader, said:

"We are excited to launch ETHx soon. ETHx is meticulously designed to address key challenges in the Ethereum ecosystem. ETHx will be decentralized, yet scalable with home stakers as the backbone and permissioned operators supplementing home stakers and providing scalability. ETHx will also provide best-in-class staking and DeFi yield for its users,  building on our strong, multi-chain track record in liquid staking."

Stader’s ETHx mainnet launch is scheduled for Q1 2023.

About Stader

Founded in April 2021, Stader Labs ( is a non-custodial multi-chain liquid staking platform with over USD 110 Mn+ PoS assets staked. Currently live on 6 chains (including BNB Chain, Polygon, Hedera, Fantom, Near, etc.), users can stake PoS tokens, earn staking yields, and also amplify yields across several DeFi opportunities like Aave, Balancer, etc.

Over 25,000+ wallets have staked with Stader. Stader is backed by notable funds including Coinbase Ventures, Pantera, Jump Crypto, Accel Partners and Accomplice.


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Contact: Vibin P, Business Head (ETH, Matic)

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