Six helpful tips for Web3 companies searching for top data analysts

There are multiple industries on a constant hunt for skilled data analysts, including information technology, healthcare, finance, insurance and, of course, Web3 companies. Further, Web3 companies are looking for the select few in the finite group of available data analysts who have the additional skills this unique and emerging industry requires. 

With the rising demand for data analysts generally and Web3-savvy data analysts in particular, it can be extremely challenging for Web3 companies to find and hire the right analytical talent for their teams. Just as they’re hoping to revolutionize the internet, Web3 companies may need to revolutionize traditional hiring methods to bring on and retain the talented individuals they need. Here, six members of Cointelegraph Innovation Circle share tips to help Web3 companies succeed in their search for top data analysts.

Survey online industry groups and events

The best way to source the right analytical talent is to survey the Discord channels and the hackathons run by industry-leading projects in the Web3 space. Examples of such communities are MetricsDAO, Covalent’s Alchemist program or Polygon’s Village. Indeed, we at Covalent have identified the need for such a program and will be launching a best-in-class SQL training course in fall 2022. – Ganesh Swami, Covalent

Recruit via ‘untraditional’ channels

Web3 companies require data analysts who specifically understand the Web3 space and the distributed data space, not just data in general. You will find that the majority of the distributed data analysts are actively participating on platforms like Discord, Steam and even Reddit threads. At Systango, we ask our recruiters to invest time in these budding, non-recruitment tech platforms. – Vinita Rathi, Systango

Bring on those with traditional skills, then provide the needed training

I tend to find people who have excellent traditional skills (data analysis in this case) and then expose them to Web3. If they already have interest in Web3, that of course is a huge plus. Many projects prioritize Web3 experience over experience in the actual discipline that they are hiring for. – Arie Trouw, XYO

Partner with education organizations

Partner up with education organizations to gain access to talent directly after they have invested time in learning. This means that they are more motivated and already have some starting knowledge. Then, make sure to have a smooth internal onboarding process with standard operating procedures. – Tim Haldorsson, Lunar Strategy

Keep an open mind when it comes to ‘pedigree’

My best advice is to keep an open mind when it comes to candidates’ skill sets and backgrounds. Candidate “pedigree” is often overrated, and exceptionally high-quality applicants can be found who come from unknown companies or universities. Also, you don’t necessarily have to hire people with data analysis skills on their résumés. Smart people with drive and integrity will figure things out and excel. – Brandon Neal, Euler Labs

Hire crypto-savvy Web2 data analysts

Finding a good Web3 data analyst is a very hard job — this comes from years of experience looking to hire them. The best solution I have found is to hire talented Web2 data analysts who are also crypto-savvy and train them to become great Web3 data analyst professionals. Because that field of expertise is so young and new, I have found this to be the best way to hire (and keep) great talent. – Tomer Warschauer Nuni, Kryptomon

This article was published through Cointelegraph Innovation Circle, a vetted organization of senior executives and experts in the blockchain technology industry who are building the future through the power of connections, collaboration and thought leadership. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of Cointelegraph.

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