SELFLLERY: The Photo-sharing Platform That Makes You Money

Social media platforms have experienced explosive growth in recent years, becoming some of the most frequently visited sites on the web.
Social media platforms have experienced explosive growth in recent years, becoming some of the most frequently visited sites on the web.

Conventional Model: Money for the Platform, None for the User

Social media platforms have experienced explosive growth in recent years, becoming some of the most frequently visited sites on the web. On these sites users converse, share their thoughts, post stories—and share photos.

The digital photography market is rapidly growing and with the continuous improvement of smartphone cameras, it’s becoming increasingly easy for anyone to snap high-quality photos.

And visual content is valuable. In addition to artistic value, photos are important resources for news agencies to report on events as they unfold.

But while conventional photo-sharing platforms make money off their users’ images, the user receives nothing in return.

Not very fair. Not very fair at all.

SELFLLERY: Share Photos, Make Money

Since every user adds value to the platform, it’s only fair to reward them. Unlike most social media platforms, SELFLLERY recognizes this—and pays its users accordingly. This decentralized, blockchain-based cryptocurrency project offers a flexible, interactive platform for users to benefit from the value of their own photos.

Imagine getting paid for every “like” your shared photos received. If you’re a popular, active user, that could translate into a decent sum of money.

A token multiplier determines just how much you get for each interaction, and the more active you are and the higher your rating is, the more your multiplier grows. That means you can increase your income by posting comments and participating in photo contests—that’s a pretty good deal!

YOU Tokens: Get “Likes,” Get Paid

SELFLLERY’s internal currency is the YOU token. In addition to purchasing goods and services from the SELFLLERY marketplace or exchanging tokens with friends on the platform, YOU tokens can be donated to charity or withdrawn to Ethereum wallets, making their usage versatile.

Users earn tokens by amassing “likes” on their pictures, selling images, and winning photo contests, or, alternatively, by purchasing tokens. Advertisers can also purchase tokens and use them to place ads on the platform or sponsor photo contests.

Some of the money generated from ad revenue is funneled into the YOU token reserve, which is used to credit users for the “likes” they receive.

SELFLLERY also takes a small commission for paid photo competitions, advertising campaigns, and user purchases in the marketplace, a portion of which is sent to the reserve. However, purchases of photos between users and of specialized products in the marketplace are exempt from this commission—the tokens flow freely between the users.

And, best of all, it’s not just the users who benefit—so does the world! In addition to donating 10% of the YOU token reserve to charity every month, SELFLLERY allows users to set up automatic monthly charity donations, combining social popularity with charity. Imagine helping sick children, animal shelters, or disaster victims—with your selfies!

All in all, this model, which differs from conventional, centralized social media platforms, enables cooperation and mutual benefit among all members.

Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts Provide Security

SELFLLERY takes advantage of the innovative blockchain technology and smart-contracts to ensure safe, fair use of its platform, making it stand out among traditional photo-sharing services. These technologies also ensure transparency across the platform.

Smart contracts are used, for example, in sponsored photo contests—the advertiser specifies the terms, conditions, and rewards of the competition securely in the smart contract. This way, all parties are aware of the layout of the competition, and the blockchain makes sure everything goes according to the specified rules.

Similarly, the blockchain provides security and transparency in transactions on the SELFLLERY platform, be they among users or donations to a charity. On blockchain platforms, there is no room for fraud.

And if you’re worried about copyright protection for your images—don’t be. The team behind SELFLLERY has leveraged similar technologies to produce an innovative solution to copyright infringement issues.

The bottom line is that SELFLLERY’s idea is not only unique and innovative but also well executed, leaving its users with nothing to worry about.


SELFLLERY is disrupting the photo-serving media sphere with its innovative platform that recognizes the value of users and rewards them accordingly. Even better, SELFLLERY aims to improve the world little by little through its monthly charitable donations and encourages its users to similarly use their social popularity to help others.

As SELFLLERY uses blockchain technology, smart contracts, and a unique internal token, interactions on platform are absolutely safe and transparent—no fraud or unpleasant surprises! With secure transactions and copyright protections alike, you can confidently go forth and change the world with your selfies.

Company name: SELFLLERY

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