Security Experts Create Solution For Petya Bitcoin Ransomware

Petya is one of the most recent strains of Bitcoin ransomware that has been wreaking havoc in various countries. But that may be coming to an end, now that security experts from Leostone have come up with a software solution to bypass the ransom demand. Also read: Porn Ransomware on Android Does Not Demand Bitcoin Payment […]
Petya is one of the most recent strains of Bitcoin ransomware that has been wreaking havoc in various countries. But that may be coming to an end, now that security experts from Leostone have come up with a software solution to bypass the ransom demand. Also read: Porn Ransomware on Android Does Not Demand Bitcoin Payment […]

Petya is one of the most recent strains of Bitcoin ransomware that has been wreaking havoc in various countries. But that may be coming to an end, now that security experts from Leostone have come up with a software solution to bypass the ransom demand.

Also read: Porn Ransomware on Android Does Not Demand Bitcoin Payment

Bypassing The Petya Bitcoin Ransom Demand


Despite only being in circulation for little over two weeks so far, the Petya Bitcoin ransomware has proven to be particularly nasty so far. Not only does this malware encrypt files on the computer itself, but it performs the same action on any backups the user might have. In the end, this forces users to pay the Bitcoin ransom, or completely format a computer and lose data.

Security experts have been working hard to come up with solutions to the looming Bitcoin ransomware threats. However, considering how every individual strain seems to bring something different to the table, it is incredibly difficult to create a solution for all types. Some types of malware even use completely random encryption methods when infecting computers, making it all but impossible to find a pattern.

But in the case of Petya, things are coming to change. Leostone has come up with a software solution that bypasses the ransom demand completely, and it can create the decryption password needed to restore file access.  However, there is a catch, as the process is a lot more complicated than it sounds.

For this solution to work, users infected with the Petya Bitcoin ransomware will need to remove the hard drive from their computer, and connect it to a non-infected machine. Once that is done, the user needs to use a particular web application to “conjure up” the password to restore file access.  Doing so should allow for the decryption of the master boot file, and restore computer access.

It is positive to see security experts coming up with software solutions to fight Petya. However, the process involved is rather complicated, and might be a bit too technical for the average computer user. However, it might learn people a valuable lesson or two about being more cautious when using their computer on a daily basis.

What are your thoughts on this web app to get rid of Petya ransomware? Do you know someone who has been infected? Let us know in the comments below!

Source; Engadget

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