Revolutionary SocialBlox app now available for Android and iPhone

SocialBlox is a relatively new blockchain company from the Netherlands. It has the ambitious goal of totally revolutionizing the world of social media
SocialBlox is a relatively new blockchain company from the Netherlands. It has the ambitious goal of totally revolutionizing the world of social media

SocialBlox is a relatively new blockchain company from the Netherlands. It has the ambitious goal of totally revolutionizing the world of social media. Of course, this will be done through blockchain technology. Meanwhile, SocialBlox’s app was launched this week, which means it is already available for both Android and iPhone smartphones!

What is SocialBlox?

SocialBlox is a platform that aims to take a different path when it comes to social media. Today, the criticism of large established players is huge, and this is often because such companies have a disregard for the privacy of their users. Indeed, in many cases, these users are simply the product being sold to advertisers for big money.

Privacy, on the contrary, is paramount at SocialBlox. Users can choose whether they want to see ads, and user data will under no circumstances be sold to the highest bidder — a breath of fresh air within an industry that desperately needs innovation.

In addition, SocialBlox uses blockchain technology to provide a number of unique features to users. The most important of these features is undoubtedly the so-called “challenges.” Users can use these challenges to challenge others to do something — for example, to win a game of Call of Duty. Should they eventually complete the challenge successfully, they will be paid a predetermined amount of SBLX tokens. So basically, you can earn money by using the SocialBlox platform! These challenges are made possible by the technology of smart contracts.


SocialBlox app launch!

SocialBlox began the beta phase of the actual social media platform earlier this year. Here, all functionalities were extensively tested by a limited group of users. Meanwhile, it can be said that all this is working properly and that major obstacles did not appear during months of testing. That means SocialBlox is ready to take a new step. That step is to make the app accessible to everyone!

As of this week, SocialBlox is available on the Google Play Store and Apple’s App Store. That means anyone can now sign up for SocialBlox and participate in the revolution it hopes to unleash.

In addition, the SocialBlox team is even in the process of securing a crypto license in Dubai. This obviously opens up the Middle Eastern market, but as an extra cherry on top, this also allows SocialBlox to get its own crypto exchange off the ground.

Behind the scenes, the SocialBlox team is working hard to secure partnerships with a wide variety of companies to further expose the SocialBlox brand. It is already one of the main sponsors of a soccer team that competes in the highest league in the Netherlands. Furthermore, SocialBlox has recently made the jump to the world of poker. During the World Series of Poker and Master Classics of Poker, players will play in an outfit specially designed by SocialBlox.

So, in short, there is a lot to happen for SocialBlox in the near future!



If you, as an early adopter, want to join SocialBlox’s social media revolution now, you can already invest in SBLX. These tokens can be purchased at various places. You can go to the Dutch exchange Knaken, but it is also possible to buy SBLX tokens on Uniswap at a still very attractive price.

More information about SocialBlox can be found on its completely revamped website.

Also, become part of the SocialBlox community by taking a look at SocialBlox’s Telegram channel.