POSTPONED: Bitcoin 2020 Is Moving to Q3 2020

Following the rapid escalation of COVID-19 in California and worldwide, Bitcoin 2020 has been postponed from March 27 and 28, 2020, to Q3 of 2020.
Following the rapid escalation of COVID-19 in California and worldwide, Bitcoin 2020 has been postponed from March 27 and 28, 2020, to Q3 of 2020.
Bitcoin 2020 is postponed until Q3 2020

Bitcoin 2020 is postponed until Q3 2020

Update, February 2021: In order to accommodate an in-person event of the size the Bitcoin community is asking for, Bitcoin 2021 will be held in Miami, Florida. Find more details here.

Update: Bitcoin 2021 will be held in Los Angeles, CA, USA on April 30 - May 1. Please visit the Bitcoin 2021 website for up-to-date information and read our announcement.

Following the rapid escalation of COVID-19 in California and worldwide, Bitcoin 2020 has been postponed from March 27 and 28, 2020, to Q3 of 2020.

The Bitcoin 2020 team has been in close contact with health authorities, the Office of the Mayor of San Francisco and the State of California regarding this evolving situation. Following this week’s State of Emergency declaration by Governor Newsom and yesterday’s announcement by Mayor Breed regarding community transmission in the city, our commitment to delivering the best experience and protecting the safety of our community necessitated this shift.

Having spent the last year preparing for Bitcoin 2020 along with an amazing group of speakers, panelists, sponsors and partners, we’re disappointed to ask you to wait a few more months. But we’re confident that Bitcoin 2020 will still serve as the biggest and best celebration of Bitcoin in history at this later date. We can confirm that your ticket to Bitcoin 2020 will be automatically transferred to the new date, and there is nothing you need to do in order to be registered for the event.

We appreciate your support and understanding as we work through all of the details around the new date for Bitcoin 2020. Further updates will come from the @bitcoin2020conf Twitter handle and will appear on our website:


I was due to attend Bitcoin 2020 in March. Do I need to do anything to ensure my ticket is valid for the rescheduled event in Q3?

All tickets for Bitcoin 2020 will automatically be valid for the rescheduled event in Q3 — you don’t need to do anything. Please expect an email communication in the coming weeks which will provide you with more information, including specific dates.

Will my Bitcoin 2020 ticket be refunded?

Our standard policy is that all ticket sales are final, however this is a unique circumstance. We think you’re going to love the new Bitcoin 2020 event, and ask that all registered attendees wait until updated details are announced before requesting a refund. For any attendee that is unable to participate in the new event, we will work with you individually.

I bought a flight and reserved a hotel, can you reimburse me?

We are unable to reimburse any personally-booked costs for travel, but most airlines and hotels have adopted flexible cancellation policies due to the virus outbreak and State of Emergency. Here is a list of current airline policies. Please check individually with your travel providers.

If an official statement about the event rescheduling would help in your independent effort to secure travel reimbursement, please let us know and we will be happy to provide one.

What if I’ve purchased something from the Bitcoin 2020 Store?

If you have purchased something from the store in anticipation of picking it up at Bitcoin 2020, you will still be able to pick it up at the postponed event. If you won’t be able to join us during the new dates, we will ship your purchase to you.

I’m a sponsor, speaker, vendor or other partner of Bitcoin 2020. How does this affect me?

We will be contacting each of our conference partners individually to confirm details and next steps over the coming days.

Will there still be any Bitcoin events happening in San Francisco between March 26 and 28, 2020?

Like everyone affected by the unforeseen spread of COVID-19, companies and groups that were planning to host events alongside Bitcoin 2020 are now making individual decisions about how to move forward. It is entirely up to them whether or not they will continue to host their events, and we will keep the list of satellite events updated on our website in case you are in the San Francisco area and would still like to meet up with folks.

When can I expect an update?

A detailed update will be provided in the coming weeks, or hopefully sooner. We value our community and its excitement around Bitcoin 2020 and will share details as soon as they’re confirmed.