Podcast: Dmitry Buterin - Like Father, Like Son

Hold on to your blockchain guys, this episodes a doozy! The man who created the man who created Ethereum, Dmitry Buterin joins us for an epic year’s end interview.
Hold on to your blockchain guys, this episodes a doozy! The man who created the man who created Ethereum, Dmitry Buterin joins us for an epic year’s end interview.

Hold on to your blockchain guys, this episodes a doozy! The man who created the man who created Ethereum, Dmitry Buterin joins us for an epic year’s end interview. He’s a man straight outta the Soviet Union with 20 years in software engineering and a background in computer science, that’ll blow your thinking cap off. Join us as we get a better understanding of who is behind Ethereum as Vitalik’s father Dmitry openly speaks about the topic. We cover everything from his son Vitalik and his project Ethereum to Dmitry’s own Block Geeks project and more. As a well known angel investor in the space, Dmitry has the scoop on damn near everything and we got dibs! Get ready for this years best conversations. Ready? Set. Press Play!

“I’m a huge believer in Ethereum.”

- Dmitry Buterin

Listening to Dmitry speak shines a bright light on just how a 20 something year old who shares his bloodline could have created such an amazing software like Ethereum. It’s safe to say Vitalik is hella lucky to have a father like Dmitry. The man sounds like what I’d expect an evil super genius to sound like, but you can hear his heart of gold thought out the dialogue. He’s all about building a better, safer, and more convenient world for us all, via code. Hence his passion projects, BlockGeeks and Wild Apricot. It’s clear that Dmitry is interested in investing in the future of technology, it’s just as apparent that his motives are to make the world a better place.

Come take advantage of Dmitry’s passion for business development and expertise in blockchain technology. Listen and get some insight on how startups could prosper in this new, yet saturated, blockchain industry. He goes on to explain what he looks for when investing in a startup and why. So if you’re looking to get capital for that dope blockchain whitepaper you been working effortlessly on, I’d suggest tuning in and taking a few notes from the horse’s mouth.

As an advisor to ArcadeCity we poke the bear and ask WTF is going on with this new power struggle. With very little background on said topic, he does give his stern opinion on the matter. Dmitry is obviously highly respected and admired from those in the blockchain, startup, and software communities if not more, so of course we take his 2 cents to the bank.

“I’m not a venture capitalist, I’m an angel investor.”

- Dmitry Buterin

Holy interview Bitman! That was a very enlightening episode, and an amazing note to end the year 2016 on. Just Wow! Listening to Mr.Buterin and Dr.Petty conversate is next level chat, but don’t fear, Cello keeps the interview sea level. This episode covers all the bases from top to bottom, a perfect wholesome source of bitcoin, blockchain and crypto information. whether you just got into bitcoin or you’re a blockchain technology veteran, this is the one interview you don’t wanna leave in 2016.

In ten words or less, what is blockchain?

“A way to achieve trust in transactions between people which don’t rely on a central authority.”

- Dmitry Buterin