Podcast: Andreas Antonopoulos - The Broader Economy II

He’s back! The one, the only, the living legend himself- Andreas Antonopoulos, comes back to the show for his 2nd visit.
He’s back! The one, the only, the living legend himself- Andreas Antonopoulos, comes back to the show for his 2nd visit.

He’s back! The one, the only, the living legend himself - Andreas Antonopoulos, comes back to the show for his 2nd visit. He makes time for a friendly conversation with Corey, Dee, Cello and (me) Kenneth Bosak, all the way from Vi-et-FREAKING-nam. Lucky for us Kenn won the Purse.io Giveaway, for a signed copy of The Internet of Money, a book by Andreas. Kenn used this 5 seconds of fame to request an interview, which Andreas happily accepted. GO TEAM WORK!

“I’m in Vietnam and google hangouts is very optimistic.”

- Andreas Antonopoulos

Matt McKibbin, founder of Ubitquity, fills in for Cello in this round table. Corey, Dee, and Matt discuss general and recent bitcoin and crypto related news. Expect some collegehumor with a professional tone this episode, at least this round table. It’s always a blasty blast when McKibbin’s in the house! Honestly the talk here is just as damn juicy as the interview itself. Simply outstanding, how Corey explains core principles to Matt and Dee. Don’t miss this! Dees’ mind even had a mini-polsion… Insert ‘wow’ moment here. (Coin offering NEWS, Don’t miss it!)

“The Chuck Norris of bitcoin is Dr.Peter Wool.”

- Andreas Antonopoulos

Back to the main event, Andreas “The Michael Jordan of Bitcoin” Antonopoulos! When you think of basketball, you think of Michael Jordan. When you think of bitcoin, you think of Andreas Antonopoulos. Even if you don’t know anything about either bitcoin or Andreas, if you were to google just one, the other would appear. Andreas has made it his life's work to travel and educate people about bitcoin and cryptocurrency. Andreas is a legend among the crypto community but a traitor to the banking industry. With his experience, first as a technology engineer and second a banker, bitcoins tech like money is as clear as a bright blue sky is to you or I. 

Corey doesn't take this 2nd interview with Andreas Antonopoulos for granted. Seizing the moment to ask a few hard hitters as well as some personal off topic questions. Find out what Andreas nerds out for, besides bitcoin. Dee and Cello take turns asking questions and seek advice from Andreas as well as his opinions on popular topics of conversation. Andreas is known for his unique answers, so you’ll get a one of a kind perspective on a wide range of all things bitcoin. Kenn (me) Bosak babbles like it’s his first podcast ever, wait it is, and barely gets his questions out in solid english. 

“Bitcoin's core protocol is the constitution on this currency.”

- Andreas Antonopoulos

This is the most indescribable and amazing interview in the history of the show. It  has it all, from jokes and speculation to real shit and solid answers. Andreas Antonopoulos does not sugar coat his unapologetic opinion, so be careful what you ask him. You might be afraid of the answers. 

Can you explain blockchain in ten words or less?

“Blockchain is a marketing term invented by those who fear the disruption that true decentralized technology will bring and want to use a placebo in its place, that lacks all the interesting features of decentralized technology and that’s blackchain.” OR “It’s a database.”

- Andreas Antonopoulos

EDC is building Equibit, the world’s first peer-to-peer equity marketplace and a complete platform for issuers to manage their investor relations without the need for depositories and transfer agents. Equibit allows issuers to use cryptocurrency tokens, called ‘equibits’, to authorize and disseminate their shares. It also includes a secure, P2P communications system allowing for private messages and polls to be instantly sent to individuals and groups on the network.

Equibit White Paper at Cornell University.