Platform proposes a quick, scalable and familiar solution for the future of decentralized applications

With major growth ahead for DeFi, projects must consider the transition from layer-one to layer-two solutions
With major growth ahead for DeFi, projects must consider the transition from layer-one to layer-two solutions

With the combination of crypto adoption verging on mainstream, a chase for double and even triple digital earnings and solutions providing real utility to a centralized industry, DeFi (decentralized finance) is positioned to outpace its growth from the 2021 year significantly.

Unfortunately, this growth, although unprecedented, has also proven to raise some causes for concern. Already congested networks like Ethereum (ETH) are being pushed to their limits with an increasing number of applications and users transacting on them. Since the capacity of Ethereum is limited, users are forced to face the realities of shower transaction times and rising gas fees as senders must continuously outbid one another.

To provide users with an alternative, many projects are adopting both layer-one and layer-two solutions to alleviate some of the burdens on the chain. At its core, layer-two solutions move transactions off the chain to be dealt with before transferring the information back onto the chain.

As a result, moving to layer two can increase transaction throughput, a necessity in use cases such as gaming, without impacting the integrity of the original blockchain it operates on. When used in combination, layer-one solutions can remain focused on decentralization and providing trust across all operating layers. In contrast, layer two can remain focused on scalability, providing near-instant transactions. The caveat here is that now layer-two solutions are noting such an uptick in their activity that they, too, are seeing an increase in gas consumption.

Launched in 2018, Nervos was designed to provide solutions to the biggest issues facing Ethereum, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, including scalability, interoperability, security and others. Targeted at scalability concerns, Nervos will offer developers both flexibility and scalability through built-in, working, layer-two solutions that exist on their blockchain, the most bottom layer in the greater ecosystem. The Nervos blockchain, which effectively becomes a common knowledge base, serves as a foundation to build on and is accompanied by several developers' protocols, an Ethereum bridge and decentralized exchange.

Bringing new solutions to the mainnet

Over the last few months, Nervos has launched several solutions on the mainnet. Some of the most notable include Godwoken, the first layer two solutions, known for its compatibility with EVM and ability to work alongside optimistic rollup mechanics to ensure near-instant transactions and low fees in an environment that closely resembles Ethereum.

“It’s exciting to see the trajectory of the blockchain space and to see more developers and projects taking advantage of the opportunities available through scalable, secure chains outside of Ethereum,” said Kevin Wang, co-founder of Nevos. “Ultimately, we believe blockchain isn’t a zero-sum game where one chain will dominate. We envision a truly interoperable decentralized world of networks and businesses all interacting with one another seamlessly.”

Another significant milestone for the team was the development of the first Nervos Network cross-chain bridge, Force Bridge. The Ethereum Force Bridge connects the Ethereum ecosystem back to the Nervos ecosystem, increasing interoperability and improving token liquidity. As a result, Ethereum developers are then allowed to use their existing codebases to begin porting their DApps (decentralized applications) to Nervos, providing opportunities to expand their user reach and increase brand awareness in a community focused on DeFi development.

More insights on Nervos here

These two launches are being met with YokaiSwap, the first decentralized exchange (DEX) in the Nervos ecosystem, which has become available since Dec. 3. In addition to providing functionality as an exchange, the launch signifies the first time users can move their CKB token assets to the chain and earn APY with various incentive programs. Moreover, YokaiSwap will act as a pioneer in this space, paving the way for other major DeFi players to join the Nervos ecosystem and create greater incentives for users to join the community.

A strategic move

The team has strategically timed the release of these solutions to coincide with developers' increasing desire to move their applications from Ethereum layer one to layer two solutions to preemptively avoid network congestion.

Therefore, over the next few months, Nervos has plans to continue releasing more tools and solutions for developers and teams interested in building on the platform. For added incentive, developers and projects may be eligible to take advantage of a first-move opportunity in the Nervos community by applying to join the Godwoken mainnet beta program.

Learn more about Nervos

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