Pchain rebrands to Plian, reveals 5 subsidiaries and DeFi ambitions

Plian positions itself to bring near-instant blockchain transactions without sacrificing decentralization or security to public and enterprise DeFi.
Plian positions itself to bring near-instant blockchain transactions without sacrificing decentralization or security to public and enterprise DeFi.

Plian positions itself to bring near-instant blockchain transactions without sacrificing decentralization or security to public and enterprise DeFi.

The Pchain Network, a project developing the next generation of scalable multichain EVM blockchains, announced Tuesday that it is rebranding to Plian. While the current blockchain, tools and products will remain largely the same, the new branding signals a refocusing of vision to fill the gaps in public and enterprise decentralized finance that they observed over the past two years.

Plian is setting out to take what they have learned through developing enterprise subchains for large scale industrial applications in a wide variety of fields and focus it into a highly scalable, multi-chain smart contract platform and DeFi toolset that satisfies all the requirements of public and enterprise DeFi while also simplifying integration. This strategy will be accomplished by developing tools for simplifying smart contract and DApp deployment, adding on-chain oracles as well as creating novel technologies for adding programmable liquidity to further simplify integrating with Plian.

Dr. Feng Cao Ph.D., founder and CEO of Pchain and Plian, explained that this approach comes after years of working with enterprises in supply chain, e-commerce, finance as well as government sectors and in seeing the same set of problems arise in different settings, all with a shared potential of being solved with specific blockchain-based technologies. This is what drove the creation of five Plian subsidiaries that have all independently researched the application of the Pchain blockchain in their given field: 

Cao continued explaining that this is what ultimately culminated in the need to refocus their collective vision into a purpose-driven blockchain solution that solved the scalability problem with simple tools for deployment.

As part of this new vision, Plian will be developing a familiar suite of tools that make testing, launching and maintaining complex smart contracts simple with tools like Truffle and Waffle, while also releasing smart data and oracle mechanisms that increase the complexity of what is possible with smart contracts. Plian will also be releasing a community-governed decentralized exchange, called Pizzap, in the third quarter of this year to open the platform to cross-blockchain liquidity.

This tool suite and platform will transform Plian into a massively scalable, interoperable, Solidity-programmable and near-instant blockchain for public and enterprise DeFi needs.

“But this cannot be achieved without the community’s help,” said Cao as he explained the critical role the community plays in securing the network. “As we increase subchains in the network, we will need more and more validators to decentralize and secure not only the main chain but the subchains as well.” And to do that, Cao said Plian will also need to focus on making the node software easier to use and empowering the community to help drive growth. This has them actively searching for talent in marketing and communications to harness this strength and turn it into momentum.

Plian’s strategy, if successful, will have a major impact on the public and enterprise DeFi space. While it has already seen success with its nearly 30 partnerships and six enterprise subchains, its pipeline for implementing this technology in real-world applications will undoubtedly explode.

So, what happens to Pchain now?

“Nothing,” Cao said. “Pchain will continue to be fully functional and remain the blockchain that Plian continues to build and grow upon. These implementations will not be impacted or changed in any way.” In this new vision, PI will still be the token used to secure and transact on the network, becoming more important as they continue to grow, requiring more nodes to join the validator pool and to add cross-blockchain liquidity.

What’s next?

Over the coming weeks and months, you will see a flurry of activity as the Plian team will begin sharing everything it has been working on in preparation for this launch. Of the four enterprise subchains it has been working on, several are getting nearer to a public launch, which will begin to showcase the renewed direction and applicability. And with all of this activity, its partnership pipeline has grown with many more potential subchain partnerships.

Learn more

For more information, please visit Plian’s new website and updated documentation. Follow Plian on Twitter, join the general discussions on Telegram and technical discussions on Discord.