P.J. Delaney Cautious Criticism of Renewed Bitcoin Foundation

Perspectives of the Bitcoin Foundation
Perspectives of the Bitcoin Foundation

After rough criticism and declarations of war from the Two-Bit Idiot, P.J. Delaney without hiding the identity tried to compartmentalize the responsibilities, faces and perspectives of the Bitcoin Foundation. As the first warrior promised to reveal something that might revolutionize the online environment, Delaney has done his best to observe the situation from various angles being outside the system.


Transformation of the Bitcoin Foundation


On the 11th of March the foundation decided to appoint Jim Harper as Global Policy Counsel and Amy Weiss as Media Consultant. The news was populated on the blog of the organization and as a sterling press release.

The qualification of both is already summed up and the Cointelegraph publishes it with no alterations:

Harper has been director of information policy studies for the Cato Institute since 2004. Harper joins as the foundation’s Global Policy Counsel while becoming a Senior Fellow at Cato. Weiss, former White House Deputy Press Secretary, is the founder and CEO of Weiss Public Affairs, a strategic communications firm representing Fortune 50 companies, foundations, nonprofits and individuals.

Jon Matonis, Executive Director of the Board commented:

“Bitcoin is rapidly maturing and we are actively building out a world-class team of highly experienced professionals. Jim’s experience with Cato and past experience with PayPal in addition to Amy’s experience with the United Nations Foundation and the White House are invaluable to our efforts around the world and in D.C.”

The main aim of both new members of the board is to promote Bitcoin either on the international governmental level, either in all possible media sources.


P.J. Delaney on the Decision of Bitcoin Foundation


P.J. Delaney was one of the first journalists reacting on the changes of the board. Just some more hours ago he has went through the tasks and persons in charge of the foundation wondering how appointing is often made without the evaluation of experience and analysis of success.

He reminds the readers on some words of Mr.Matonis from the year 2012:

“There’s a huge amount of support for the Foundation from many of the people who matter to Bitcoin’s future: Charlie Shrem, Mark Karpeles, Gavin Andersen and Jon Matonis are all starting out on the Board of Directors.”

He insists that both Harper and Weiss are a step ahead of all people presented on the board and might contribute to the success of the organization and Bitcoin in general.

Delaney concludes, and as every joke has only a bit of joke, the Cointelegraph is willing to keep his words in mind for a longer period:

“If there is a third vacancy, however; I would be willing, selflessly, to serve. Of course, this would only be if I was called upon. Having spent some time studying the Mt Gox system of financial management I feel that I am now superbly qualified to serve and would be content to cost the Foundation significantly less than Karpeles. This humble hack, having some knowledge of the two noble fields of Accountancy and poultry management, would be willing to survive and eke a simple living, by only extracting the golden eggs when they had been laid and would, to this end, give an undertaking, to attempt to be one appointee not to kill the goose.”

Actually, why not?