Operating A Business On Bitcoin

Chris Gimmer, cofounder of Snappa and Bitbo.io, moved his company to a bitcoin treasury standard in 2020.
Chris Gimmer, cofounder of Snappa and Bitbo.io, moved his company to a bitcoin treasury standard in 2020.

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In 2020, Micahel Saylor became one of the most famous and bold Bitcoin advocates on the planet when he went all-in on BTC. Since then, he’s conducted a regular BTC accumulation strategy. It has been just one sign that Bitcoin is evolving from a mere niche internet novelty and into a serious monetary tool that businesses can leverage to give them strategic advantages.

Another sign has been the work of Chris Gimmer, cofounder of Snappa and Bitbo.io, who moved his company to a bitcoin treasury standard in 2020 after seeing the craziness of the government COVID-19 response. The move turned out to be a phenomenal business decision which enabled Gimmer and his team to grow and thrive despite difficult business conditions.

Christian Keroles, the host of the “Bitcoin Magazine Podcast,” is obsessed with “The Sovereign Individual” and the internet-based economy it predicts and, in interviewing Gimmer for this episode, he shared his thoughts about the strategic advantages of adopting a Bitcoin standard.

Bitcoin will open up the globe to entrepreneurs who are willing to move to improve their business. With the power of Bitcoin, Gimmer and his businesses are living one step closer to that world. Gimmer even found a way to leave Canada for a better jurisdiction while still operating his business uninterrupted.

Please enjoy this wide-ranging conversation with Chris Gimmer.