OORT Announces Major Token Burn, Partnership with Poolz, and Launch of OORT Earn

In a groundbreaking move that sets a new precedent in the blockchain sector, the OORT Foundation today unveiled a trio of strategic initiatives designed to significantly enhance its ecosystem and deliver increased value to its stakeholders
In a groundbreaking move that sets a new precedent in the blockchain sector, the OORT Foundation today unveiled a trio of strategic initiatives designed to significantly enhance its ecosystem and deliver increased value to its stakeholders

[New York, Feb. 8th, 2024; 20:15] — In a groundbreaking move that sets a new precedent in the blockchain sector, the OORT Foundation today unveiled a trio of strategic initiatives designed to significantly enhance its ecosystem and deliver increased value to its stakeholders. These initiatives include a major burn of over 1 million OORT tokens, establishing a key partnership with decentralized finance pioneer Poolz, and the rollout of OORT EARN, a novel platform that enables users to stake their tokens not just to receive APY and airdrops, but additionally users wil will receive early access to OORT ecosystem products, the opportunity to claim OORT Merch, engage with the project, as well as other benefits for the community. This includes Stake-For-Storage (SFS) which will launch shortly after the platform goes live.

Token Burn to Bolster Market Confidence: In a decisive action to reinforce market confidence and augment the intrinsic value of its tokens, the OORT Foundation will execute a burn of over 1,000,000 OORT tokens. This move is part of a broader strategy to purchase up to 30% of the last quarter's revenues in OORT Tokens, underlining the foundation's commitment to its meticulously designed tokenomics and long-term value enhancement.

OORT EARN: Revolutionizing Token Staking and Airdrops: OORT EARN introduces a dynamic staking model offering APYs of 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% for staking periods of daily, 3, 6, or 12 months, respectively. This platform also enables users to register their staked tokens to receive a proportional amount of Airdrop Rewards from various ecosystem partners, further enriching the OORT ecosystem and stakeholder value.

Strategic Partnership with Poolz: Marking a significant milestone, Poolz becomes the first grant recipient under OORT Foundation, catalyzing the development of a project on the Olympus Protocol, OORT's Layer 1 blockchain. This collaboration is poised to streamline Initial DEX Offerings (IDO) and claims over the OORT, simplifying user participation in token offerings and DeFi projects.

  • Seamless Integration: Poolz Finance will be seamlessly integrated with OORT, allowing for Initial DEX Offerings (IDO) and easy claiming via OORT.
    This integration will offer a streamlined experience for users seeking to participate in token offerings and engage with DeFi projects.
  • Co-Grants for Projects: Projects that choose to build on OORT will have the opportunity to apply for co-grants from both Poolz Finance and OORT. This support aims to foster innovation and accelerate the development of groundbreaking projects.
  • Investment by Poolz Ventures: Poolz Ventures, an arm of Poolz Finance, will actively invest in early-stage projects that choose to build on OORT. This strategic investment will provide a boost to promising projects and help them thrive in the DeFi ecosystem.
  • Cross-Chain Compatibility: Poolz’s agnostic chain feature and OORT decentralized cloud platform opens doors to cross-chain compatibility, potentially broadening opportunities for users to interact with diverse blockchain ecosystems.
  • Marketing Synergy: To amplify our reach and impact, Poolz Finance and OORT will engage in joint marketing efforts. Expect to see comprehensive marketing campaigns and educational content that empower users and foster community growth within the crypto and DeFi communities.

About OORT: OORT is a decentralized cloud for privacy and cost savings. By integrating global compute and storage resources, we provide AI solutions to enhance business operations.

For more information about OORT and its innovative offerings, visit OORT's official website.

Stay Connected with OORT: Engage with OORT through our official channels to stay updated on the latest developments and opportunities. Follow us on Twitter, join our Telegram channels, and connect with us on LinkedInGitHub, and more for comprehensive updates and community discussions.

For further details on OORT Earn and to explore the benefits of the OORT ecosystem, please visit our foundation website.