One-of-a-kind Altcoin Convention in New York Today, 9 April

Altcoin Convention
Altcoin Convention
Today sees the Cryptocurrency Convention 2014 take place in New York. Despite taking place only the day after the Inside Bitcoin conference, the ambitious message on the event’s website promises “an experience you will remember forever”. 

So what’s this convention all about and how will it leave its mark on the attendees? 

The premise is simple: to bring together a wide variety of crypto experts and coins under one roof and offer the chance for members of the public to get information and answers first-hand. 

General appeal rather than niche aspects discussed in superfluous detail could well be what the education of Bitcoin needs right now, and the breadth of speakers invited to the sold-out event is indeed impressive as well as varied. 

The majority of those giving talks are coin creators. Indeed, the conference could well be the first major event to give a platform to altcoins. 

As can be expected, each enterprise offers a unique selling point to inform consumers further about just what is possible with cryptocurrencies.