Oasis Network hosting inaugural mentorship event with female blockchain leaders

Women are grossly underrepresented in the blockchain industry, yet the ones who are in the space are some of the top innovators.
Women are grossly underrepresented in the blockchain industry, yet the ones who are in the space are some of the top innovators.

San Francisco — Women are grossly underrepresented in the blockchain industry, yet the ones who are in the space are some of the top innovators. On May 6, The Oasis Foundation will host the mentorship event “Female Blockchain Leaders” at 12:00 pm EST. The two-part panel series will be moderated by Kristina Lucrezia Cornèr, managing editor at Cointelegraph, and will be virtually joined by nine female leaders driving change, breaking barriers and blazing successful career paths in the blockchain space. 

“From our inception, Oasis Foundation has been on the forefront of advocating for women in technology and blockchain,” said Anne Fauvre-Willis, chief operating officer of Oasis Labs. “Oasis not only challenges traditional ways of thinking within our technological approach and blockchain solutions, but we also challenge the status quo for how women fit into the blockchain industry. We believe immensely in the power of equality and the incredible innovation women bring to this industry, and that’s why we’re creating a space to foster future talent at our upcoming event.” 

Conference attendees will be able to connect with and hear from successful professionals, aspiring women and students in blockchain to discuss how they got involved in this “unusual” industry and provide tips and advice to younger women who want to learn more or get involved. Joined by founders, C-suite executives, advisors and product leads from Coinfund.io, Stellar, The Maker Foundation, American on Tech, Chainlink, UNICEF, World Economic Forum, CryptoKitties and more, Oasis Foundation reveals panels headlining its virtual mentorship event: “Female Blockchain Leaders.” 

“Why l love blockchain. A Look Into How l Started & Lessons Learned and Q&A” – Featured speakers include Vanessa Grellet, head of portfolio growth at Coinfund.io; Lisa Nestor, senior strategist at Stellar Development Foundation; Maria Magenes, senior marketing manager Europe and Africa at Maker Foundation; Adelyn Zhou, chief marketing officer at Chainlink Labs; and Layne Lafrance, product lead at Flow at DApper Labs and co-founder of CryptoKitties. 

“What’s Next? What the future of Blockchain Looks Like and Practical Tips to Get Started in Blockchain and Q&A” – Featured speakers include Anne Fauvre-Willis, chief operating officer at Oasis Labs; Cecilia Chapiro, investment advisor at UNICEF; Nadia Hewett, project lead, data for common purpose initiative and blockchain at World Economic Forum LLC; and Bridget Greenwood, founder at The Bigger Pie. 

Additionally, Oasis has partnered with Sperax to provide up to $50,000 in grants to women-led projects in the blockchain space as part of Sparex’s LIFTED Grant Series. With both organizations being led by women, Oasis and Sperax understand the importance of fostering a diverse and inclusive blockchain industry and how that directly impacts innovation in the blockchain space. 

To register for free, please click here.

For more information about the grant program, please click here.

About Oasis 

Designed for the next generation of blockchain, the Oasis Network is the first privacy-enabled blockchain platform for open finance and a responsible data economy. Combined with its high throughput and secure architecture, the Oasis Network is able to power private, scalable DeFi, revolutionizing open finance and expanding it beyond traders and early adopters to a mass market. Its unique privacy features can not only redefine DeFi but also create a new type of digital asset called Tokenized Data that can enable users to take control of the data they generate and earn rewards for staking it with applications — creating the first-ever responsible data economy.