Nova Global Blockchain Investment Institutions Summit

Nova Global Blockchain Investment Institutions Summit organized by Nova Club will be held on December 4th in Guangzhou city, China.
Nova Global Blockchain Investment Institutions Summit organized by Nova Club will be held on December 4th in Guangzhou city, China.

Nova Global Blockchain Investment Institutions Summit organized by Nova Club will be held on December 4th in Guangzhou city, China. There will participate global blockchain investment institutions and traditional financial institutions. The main topics of the discussion are the conformation of the blockchain investment ecology, global blockchain development and ways to form a deep linking of traditional capital with blockchain industry.

Nova Club is an investment ecosystem alliance formed by the top and well-reputed blockchain organizations. The existing members of Nova Club includes Bitrise Capital, Consensus Lab, Chain Capital, QRC Group, 8 Decimal Capital, Collinstar Capital, CBE, BN Capital, Chain Renaissance Capital, Quest Capital, Waterdrip Capital, BitAsset Ecofund, Spark Capital, S Capital, MXC pro capital, Imagination Fund, Krypital Group, Dfund, Skyline Capital, BitMart Labs, ZB Nexus and IBG.

One of the hottest news of Nova Global Blockchain Investment Institutions Summit is going to be an official launching of Cointelegraph China.

During the Summit, Nova Club is going to announce the Top 100 Investment Institutions and Nova NSO-CF-001 Investment Standard, so as to promote the development of the investment ecology jointly with the world’s top investors. Also, the discussion topics include development status and expectation of global blockchain industry, the place of traditional capital in blockchain investment, blockchain investment opportunities and challenges under new policies and exploration of emerging underlying assets. The conformation and development of the blockchain investment ecology is going to be explored and discussed considering investment institutions, development blockchain industry technology, global policies of blockchain and traditional financial confluence.

The Summit will bring together the global investment institutions and hundreds of excellent blockchain projects from all over the world to promote the development of investment industry, further integrated building of the investment ecology and give more opportunities to various links of investment ecology.

By the moment, Nova has confirmed 100 investment institutions from China, the USA, Southern Korea, Japan and Singapore will take part in the Summit. Among the guests there will be ChainDD and Nvex. The list of the participating institutions and conference schedule will be updated constantly.