Changing the game in crypto with AI Smarts in 2024

In the fast-changing crypto world, finding the next hot investment can feel like searching for a needle in a digital haystack. That's where comes in
In the fast-changing crypto world, finding the next hot investment can feel like searching for a needle in a digital haystack. That's where comes in

Coinscribble - February 15, 2024 – In the fast-changing crypto world, finding the next hot investment can feel like searching for a needle in a digital haystack. That's where comes in. It's a super cool web3 platform that blends AI and blockchain in a way that's never been done before. It's all about making crypto investing easier in 2024.

AI + Web3 = Huge Deal isn't just another crypto site. It's changing the whole game. It uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the clear, unchangeable records of Blockchain technology to guide investors through the crypto maze. This mix of AI and Blockchain is a big deal. It offers up-to-date, clear, and trustworthy data analysis.

Cool Grading System

What's really neat about this platform is its grading system. It checks out crypto projects on 20 different blockchains in 49 categories. They're scored from 1 to 10. A 10 means it's a top-notch opportunity. This way, whether you're a crypto pro or just starting out, you get a straightforward, easy-to-understand analysis. is all about giving power to investors. It's tough, especially for newbies, to tell good crypto projects from bad ones. helps with this. It's always checking out new projects and keeping up with the latest trends and tech updates. The platform is super user-friendly. It gives you clear, useful tips to help you decide where to put your money.

By holding $NextGem, you get VIP access to premium features and help shape the protocol by actively participating.

Breakdown of $NextGem's 850 Million Tokens:

  • Tech Wizardry (5%): We're talking 42.5 million tokens fueling ongoing tech development and upgrades.
  • Marketing & Community Buzz (10%): A cool 85 million tokens to spread the word and grow our tribe.
  • Ecosystem Goodies (15%): 127.5 million tokens to reward you for diving into the platform and contributing to our community.
  • Staking Perks (10%): Stake your tokens, help our liquidity, and snag some rewards – 85 million tokens in the pool!
  • Team & Advisors (10%): Fair play for the brains behind the project, with a long-term vision in mind.
  • Early Bird Specials (15% Seed, 7.2% Private A): Early supporters get their share, ensuring a solid start.
  • Public Party (7.7%): The public sale, your chance to jump in!
  • Liquidity Lock (10%): Keeping the UniSwap pool smooth and stable for three years.
  • Future-Proofing Fund (5% Platform, 5% Operational): For new features, tech, and just-in-case scenarios.

Serious checking takes its checking seriously. Every investment idea gets a deep dive. They gather loads of info and then use advanced AI to analyze it. This detailed process means you get really good investment advice.

Meet the Mavericks

Hey Cointelegraph readers! Dive into the world of, where a crew of crypto wizards is pushing boundaries. Let's meet them:

  • Frederick Marinho, The Strategy and Execution Whiz: This guy's a tech guru with a decade of software engineering prowess, hailing from the elite Ecole 42 in France. He's the brain behind Merkle Tech Capital and skyrocketed the GLQ no-code protocol to a whopping $60M market cap. Frederick's deep in the crypto world, making waves in web3.
  • Nick Kristov, Marketing Guru: Nick's the maestro behind NextGem's marketing magic. With his rich consulting and marketing background, he's shaping NextGem's brand and outreach. Think strategic genius meets marketing visionary.
  • Jorge L., Software Engineering Prodigy: Jorge's a blockchain enthusiast turned full-stack developer maestro. He jumped into blockchain, crafted a hack-proof polling system, and managed a hefty trading bot during the crypto bull run. Now, he's pioneering GPT-based social media platforms. Jorge's tech smarts are propelling NextGem's software game to new heights.

NextGem's 2024 Roadmap

Q1 2024: Kickoff with a Bang

  • Launching $NextGem tokens on Ethereum.
  • Introducing a cool token burning mechanism for premium services.
  • Rolling out the MVP of 'The Next 100x Gem' – it's all about AI, APIs, and databases.
  • We're hitting social media hard and teaming up with influencers and VCs.
  • A custom AI LLM is coming for premium users.
  • The NextGem Token launch is happening – think FairLaunch or a top Decentralized launchpad.
  • Adding liquidity to UniSwap, and it's locked for 3 years!

Q2 2024: Leveling Up

  • We're beefing up our data sources for crypto projects.
  • Improving our datasets based on new techniques and your feedback.
  • Expanding our AI model with the latest tech.
  • Forging partnerships to boost NextGem's value and visibility.
  • Eyeing Tier 1 exchange listings for NextGem tokens.
  • Exploring DeFi partnerships for $NextGem's utility.

Q3 2024: Broadening Horizons

  • Diversifying analysis sources, including community reviews.
  • Upgrading the user experience based on your feedback.
  • Advancing our AI models for sharper market predictions.
  • Keeping up with the latest blockchain tech.
  • Making NextGem global with more languages and regions.
  • Bolstering security with regular audits.

Q4 2024: The Future Unfolds

  • AI-driven investment recommendations are coming your way.
  • A feedback loop for constant AI updates.
  • A/B testing to fine-tune the platform.
  • Launching a DAO for community-driven decisions.
  • Adding blockchain forensic tools for deeper project analysis.
  • Using machine learning to predict crypto project success rates.

Stay ahead in the crypto game with The Next 100X Gem AI. Dive into our innovative insights and predictions by visiting our website: The Next 100X Gem AI Website.

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