New Dogecoin payments and a Surprise from CryptoCafe Marketplace

CryptoCafe Marketplace
CryptoCafe Marketplace

Crypto-currency fueled online marketplace is now open to more of the community than ever. The company announced in a press release that users can now use Dogecoin as well as Bitcoin to make purchases. 

“ now supports Dogecoin in addition to Bitcoin for buyers and sellers to securely trade on the platform,” parent company of the site, Myriad Media Inc., confirms. “Our goal has always been to provide an extremely flexible multi-currency escrow system to our users. Following this key principal, we have made it super simple for sellers to accept offers in either Bitcoin or Dogecoin.” 
Paving the way 
Developers have been working on improvements to the site since its launch in February, when it received over 21,000 requests in its first few hours, causing its server to overload. Since then, its popularity has continued to soar while the release of a 2.0 version yesterday saw both additional currency flexibility and lay foundations for future development: 
“It took a little bit of extra time, but these latest backend code modifications will save us considerable time in the future," Myriad’s statement continues. 
CryptoCafe allows users to trade goods and services for BTC and DOGE, and has a layout reminiscent of the eBay interface. Users can view items and purchase them using their account, which also functions as a wallet for sending payments. They can also utilize a ‘cash out’ function to send funds to another wallet or exchange for processing; this function is currently only fulfilled manually by the Myriad team in light of recent security breaches on other exchanges. 
Myriad said that BTC will remain the default currency with users being able to list in DOGE as required. A glance at the site today however shows several listings already in DOGE, confirming the site’s popularity in its new capacity as an agnostic marketplace. 
More currencies, of course, mean trading of goods between even more consumers worldwide, without the need for any currency exchange to take place whatsoever, which is a key drawback when making eBay purchases via PayPal, for example. 
The ‘next big announcement’ 
While the continued development of a low-fee international marketplace is exciting, Myriad has its eye firmly on another, as yet undisclosed, project, named ‘’. 
While details have yet to be released, a statement on the site reads, “Our company, Myriad Interactive Media Inc. is building our second Bitcoin platform for the little guy. A platform that will serve a multi-billion dollar community.” 
They also promise a ‘big announcement’ to be made in future, and users can be kept informed by signing up to updates. 
Cointelegraph will also report back to readers as soon as any further information is available.