New BTMs: Bienvenido, Paraguay, to the Bitcoin ATM Network

More BTMs available now.
More BTMs available now.

Cointelegraph has partnered with Coin ATM Radar, which regularly updates a helpful and navigable Bitcoin ATM map, to get the most comprehensive data about new BTMs as they go online.

The United States continues its trend of getting at least one new BTM installed each week. Paraguay saw its first BTM go live last week, and down in Australia, there are now seven Bitcoin ATMs in Melbourne and surrounding areas.

According to Coin ATM Radar’s data as of November 12, 2014, there are 296 live BTMs around the world. Below are a few that were installed and began operations last week.

The Americas

  • In Paraguay, Be Okay restaurant in the capital, Asunción, brought one more South American country onto the BTM network with a one-way Skyhook machine. Be Okay accepts Bitcoin payments, though there is no word yet on the BTM’s commissions or limits.

  • The number of BTMs in New Hampshire doubled last week when Keene’s 101 Deals Thrift Store installed a one-way Skyhook machine. The BTM charges a 5% commission, and transactions limits are currently capped at US$200. 



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