Mysterious ETH 2.0 Staking Solution Author Claims No Pursuit of Glory

Recent comments from anonymous Ethereum 2.0 staking solution creator heyheeyheeey show his desire for continued anonymity.
Recent comments from anonymous Ethereum 2.0 staking solution creator heyheeyheeey show his desire for continued anonymity.

An anonymous blockchain industry participant going by the name heyheeyheeey recently dropped an Ethereum 2.0 (ETH 2.0) staking solution on Medium in Satoshi-like fashion. The pseudonymous character did not do it for the fame, according to his recent comments to Cointelegraph. 

"The only thing that I'd like to clarify is that I wasn't paid, but I wasn't looking to get paid either," heyheeyheeey told Cointelegraph staff in a message. "For me it's a portfolio piece," they said, adding, "Unsolicited designs are very common in UX/UI design."

The person's solution aims for scaling improvement

With the public awaiting the release of Ethereum 2.0 — a much-anticipated scalability network upgrade ushering in Proof-of-Stake consensus — heyheeyheeey posted his own scaling solution for the upgrade in a Medium article. Built on a wallet called Argent, the solution aims for speed and simplicity.   

Heyheeyheeey explained:

"Argent are on top of their game, and I'm sure they are really interested in helping staking adoption one way or another. I hope my design inspires other wallets, or community actors to get involved and create staking options that are more accessible to the everyday user."

"The Ethereum open-source design community is not very large yet, but I'm sure it's coming," they added.  

The author keeps a low profile

As of press time, heyheeyheeey's medium profile boasts a modest 103 followers, showing just one blog post. The profile has gained 86 followers since the ETH 2.0 staking solution post. 

"I try keeping an anonymous presence online. I feel better that way," heyheeyheeey said. "With this depth it's the first time I contribute on any project, but I have been a member of the community for five years."

The aspect of anonymity in general dates all the way back to crypto's beginning in 2008, when Bitcoin's anonymous creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, unveiled the asset's framework several months before its launch.