More Ether Holders Are in Profit Than There Are BTC Addresses in Total

Ethereum addresses in profit now exceed the total number of addresses with a Bitcoin balance
Ethereum addresses in profit now exceed the total number of addresses with a Bitcoin balance

With Ethereum’s recent price rise above $300, there are now more ETH addresses in profit than the total number of addresses holding any amount of Bitcoin.

Blockchain statistics indicate that the total number of ETH addresses in the green is 31.86 million, whereas the total number with a Bitcoin balance at all is 30.83 million.  

ETH holders in the green

The last time Ethereum was priced above $300 was a year ago, and on-chain metrics have improved vastly since then. The findings, as first reported in The Defiant, indicate that millions of new addresses loaded up on ETH below $300. Many of them would have got in below $200 as the asset languished at low levels for March and April.

In July 2019, when ETH prices reached a high similar to today’s price, just 13.5 million addresses, or less than 50%, were making a profit. The figures have been derived from a Historical In/Out of the Money (HIOM) indicator which analyzes on-chain positions based on the average token cost for a given address.

The number of Ethereum ‘hodlers’, or those holding the asset for over a year, has also increased by 10 million over the past twelve months.

Wrapped Bitcoin tops 20k

Another solid fundamental for the growing use cases of Ethereum is the amount of Bitcoin that has been tokenized on the network.

Tokenizing, or wrapping, Bitcoin enables the asset to be used in decentralized finance and with applications that are based on Ethereum and the ERC-20 standard. With the explosive growth of DeFi and yield farming opportunities, BTC holders have not wanted to miss out on the action.

As a result, there are now more than 20,000 BTC tokenized on Ethereum. The figure equates to $223 million worth of BTC at today’s prices according to the As developer Josh Stark posted, that’s 20 times as much Bitcoin as locked in Lightning and eight times more than in Blockstream’s Liquid. 

As DeFi continues to grow it’s likely the amount of tokenized Bitcoin will increase.