Meta Spaces: Bloktopia’s first-ever live VR event

On Feb. 10, 2023, Bloktopia’s new Meta Spaces was unveiled to the community for the first time, hosting a live virtual reality (VR) event
On Feb. 10, 2023, Bloktopia’s new Meta Spaces was unveiled to the community for the first time, hosting a live virtual reality (VR) event

On Feb. 10, 2023, Bloktopia’s new Meta Spaces was unveiled to the community for the first time, hosting a live virtual reality (VR) event.

A large focus over recent months, as seen through the Developer Diaries series, has been the VR aspect of Bloktopia. With VR being at the forefront of cutting-edge technology of today, it was a promise set out from the start to make this an integral part of the Bloktopia experience.

Meta Spaces introduction

Meta Spaces is the first live metaverse product launched by Bloktopia — a huge milestone.

The event kicked off with Seb (the host), Paddy (chief marketing officer) and Ross (CEO) on stage, with an audience filled with a mixture of existing Bloktopia tenants, key partners and VIP audience members. Audience members joined from all four corners of the globe across multiple time zones, including the west coast of the United States right across to Auckland, New Zealand.

As mentioned in Dev Diary edition #14, the space has been designed to provide the ability to present and deliver a variety of events and content to a wide audience in VR. The interchangeable VR capabilities of the space also offer a unique position in the market.

Bloktopians can look forward to seeing experiential events, such as product launches (both for Bloktopia and partners), AMAs, TED talks and even live music concerts.

Key features of the space showcased during the event included:

  • Fully networked avatar interactions, including full mouth, hands and finger movement
  • Spatial-volume-varying voice chat
  • An elevated stage for presenting that is easily observable from all areas within the plaza, along with three large screens delivering additional content.
  • Three replicated virtual HQs from the shopping mall area of Bloktopia, which can be changed and opened with content for future events.

Avatars from across the world socializing and networking prior to the premiere event.

Bloktopia updates: Along with the introduction of the new VR Meta Spaces, the Bloktopia team is still working tirelessly on the development of the core Bloktopia skyscraper with updates due shortly.

Coming Soon…

Bloktopia Wallet: The wallet has entered the final stages of testing, with the beta version on schedule to be launched in March 2023. The wallet will be available to download through both the Apple and Google app stores, allowing community members to access mainnet wallet test tokens to test features and explore the interface.

Bloktopia DAO: Another feature expected to go live in March is Bloktopia’s decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). Version 1 of this new feature will allow the community to vote on key proposals put forward by the Bloktopia leadership team. The strength of your vote will be determined by the amount of BLOK tokens held by the individual. The proposal will be decided by the winning percentage of the total BLOK tokens used to vote. Your input into the DAO will be rewarded by an APY. The DAO will be a key feature in bringing the community closer to the big decisions shaping the future of Bloktopia.

More information will be shared in due course around both the Bloktopia Wallet and DAO, including an exciting first proposal that will be huge for the community.

Paddy (chief marketing officer) and Ross (CEO) talking live on stage in VR.

Future events in Meta Spaces

More details on upcoming events will be shared in the near future with the community, along with information on how to get involved. Keep an eye out for future announcements.

Bloktopia already had great interest after the event, with numerous emails being received from prospects looking to utilize the space. Should you require the use of Meta Spaces, you can always drop an email at [email protected] to start the conversation.

If you missed the action and weren’t able to join in VR, you can rewatch the livestream here.

About Bloktopia

Bloktopia is a VR skyscraper made up of 21 floors to commemorate 21 million Bitcoin (BTC). It will act as a central hub and welcome all levels of crypto experience. For the first time ever, users will have access to crypto information and immersive content all in one place.

Learn, earn, play and create.

Educate yourself in the basics of crypto or engage in more advanced learning from some of the world’s leading minds in the industry; earn revenue through real estate ownership and advertising; play games with friends, build networks, and much more.

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