Major Update to the Vault of Satoshi

The cryptocurrency trader from Canada yesterday have added the support of 5 mainstream “coins” and some new features.
The cryptocurrency trader from Canada yesterday have added the support of 5 mainstream “coins” and some new features.

The cryptocurrency trader from Canada yesterday have added the support of 5 mainstream “coins” and some new features.

Let’s start with some fresh digital money. From the exchange’s web page a well-known canine wearing dollar-bill glasses and holding cigar in its teeth is looking at a site visitor, announcing the support for Dogecoin. That’s right the meme is fighting its way up to be the king of the hill. Not sure how far the doge-movement will go, but the tenacity is worthy of respect.

To the standard Bit-, Lite- and Peercoin were also added Quark, FeatherCoin, NameCoin, PrimeCoin. However, among the “fresh blood” on the Vault, Doge still holds first place in terms of market cap and at the time of writing this article it is proudly positioned 6th among other digital currencies, according to

Michael Curry, one of the Vault’s founders and a “creative-minded individual” (as written on the exchange’s site) said that he relies mostly on intuition in his choice of coins, though neglecting the ones that are out of the top 20 in market cap. Another point he makes is that Doge will soon be completely mined, somewhere around the 2015 and the Curry is curious, what will happen then. Will the meme-currency go down and slowly fade away or will the price for it rocket as it happened to Bitcoin?

Anyway, the update would not be complete with adding a few different coins to the stock, so Vault of Satoshi has expanded its functionality. Before yesterday there were to levels of users, “authorized” and “not authorized”. Now, two more options for crypto-currency buyers have been implemented.

The unregistered/unverified user is a guest. He or she can browse through slides on the main page, look at FAQ, read about the company’s employees, but there are no currency operations available. The verification level that was before has had its requirements lowered. So, if you do not intend on trading more than $9500 a week, then it’s your choice.

The new levels are a sign that exchange is doing well. The elevated level for those who are not quite content with nine and a half, allows 15 thousand dollars a week to be processed and it is only the first month, after which the amount will grow even further. However, there is an even higher level for those, who really mean business. Astonishing $100,000 can be thrown back and forth form crypto to fiat every week!

Curry also mentions that in a fortnight they will announce the addition of crypto-to-crypto exchange. Good thing for those who keep their savings in Bitcoin and want to bet some on the Doge (just an example).

Vault of Satoshi started in the fall of 2013, by the Curry’s initiative and soon to grown to become one of the leading players of crypto-exchange in Northern America.

However, Michael is not going to stop there, he already has plans to implement remote trading on different exchanges via the Vault of Satoshi, to increase the anonymity of their customers.